
U.S. Supreme Court Will Rule Soon on White House Executive Amnesty

Months after announcing it would hear the landmark immigration case United States v. Texas, it is expected that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide the fate of President Barack Obama’s controversial DACA and DAPA programs in the weeks ahead. As CNN noted, these programs “…are aimed at allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to apply for programs that could make them …

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Deputy Director’s Corner

Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at As I review the headlines on all of the global media networks, I cannot help but see a disturbing trend.  I read story after story of the devastating social, economic, and environmental crises happening all over the world…  and they all have something in common.  …

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Deputy Director’s Corner

  • May 17, 2016
  • NPG

Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at Last month a new study was released by Stanford University biologist Elizabeth Hadly, which details how South America was populated tens of thousands of years ago.  In her report, Hadly compares the rampant population growth of our early ancestors to an “invasive species.”  Using radiocarbon …

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Population Update: Flint Water Crisis

In recent months, Americans from coast to coast have been watching the tragedy unfold in Flint, Michigan. It has been a story that read like a best-selling fictional drama, with high-ranking city and state officials making nefarious decisions to put citizens’ lives at risk – particularly the elderly and small children – for the sake of saving money. As NPG …

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Deputy Director’s Corner

Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at Recently, I came across an article on the CNN Money website detailing yet another immigration scam working to increase U.S. population growth. It turns out, there’s a fairly major racket for fake student visas. According to the article: “brokers recruited foreign students to ‘enroll’ and …

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New NPG Paper Explores Demographic Assault on Fragile Planet

New NPG Paper Explores Demographic Assault on Fragile Planet Analysis finds the “overwhelming scale” of Earth’s problems comes from resource demands of continued population growth. This NPG national Press Release was picked up by hundreds of media outlets across the country, including:  The Star Tribune, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, The Sun News, and local affiliate stations for all …

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The Scale of Things and Demographic Fatigue

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version THE SCALE OF THINGS AND DEMOGRAPHIC FATIGUE An NPG Forum Paper by Walter Youngquist The earth is straining under a demographic assault on a scale never before seen. The overwhelming scale of its problems comes from resource demands of continued population growth, the …

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Deputy Director’s Corner

Deputy Director’s Corner NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at After celebrating Earth Day yesterday, the environmental impact of today’s world is certainly at the forefront of my mind. All across America this weekend, millions of environmentally-aware citizens are packing into stadiums and coliseums, reviewing “green technology” expos and watching parades – all in the …

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NPG April Progress Report

  • April 14, 2016
  • NPG

The truth is – when it comes to our nation’s future, we face greater challenges today than ever before. The solutions are not easy, but it has never been more urgent that we continue our mission. Since our founding in 1972, NPG has had one primary objective: to educate the American public and policy makers regarding the devastating effects of …

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This Earth Day, millions of Americans will be talking about…

This ad appearing in The Washington Times on April 11th, 2016 and April 18th, 2016 This Earth Day, millions of Americans will be talking about… Water and air pollution Species extinction Suburban sprawl Deforestation Climate change Energy shortages Natural resource depletion Greenhouse gas emissions …but can you think of any environmental problem that improves by adding more people to it? …

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