
National Survey Reveals U.S. Students’ Concerns about Population and Environment Issues

A national student survey conducted in recent months by Negative Population Growth (NPG) in classrooms throughout America has revealed a worrisome complacence about critical population and environmental issues that will impact the future of many young people.  The survey results were compiled from a questionnaire distributed by hundreds of 9th-12th grade teachers in classrooms across the nation….

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NPG Releases New Forum Paper on Millennials’ Impact on U. S. Population Growth and Sustainability

Are the changing values of Millennials – the generation of Americans born between 1980 and 2000 – concerning family size, life-style, and resource use improving the prospects for a sustainable U.S. through lower population growth and reduced consumption?
NPG President Don Mann finds strong evidence for that view in a new Forum paper by NPG’s senior economist and demographic researcher Edwin Rubenstein …

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How Millennials Are Slowing U.S. Population Growth and Enhancing Sustainability

They are stressed out. Afraid to take risks. The cheapest generation of Americans, say some, preferring to rent rather than buy, share rather than own, and yet complete spendthrifts when it comes to procuring the latest and greatest cell phones, i-pads, and other digital technologies. They marry later, have less income, and fewer children, than prior generations did at similar stages of life. And, in late 2015, millennials passed Baby-Boomers …

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End Sanctuary Cities: America’s Ticking Time Bombs!

This ad appeared in the Washington Times on November 1, 2017.   Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times. END SANCTUARY CITIES: AMERICA’S TICKING TIME BOMBS! Does it make sense for elected leaders throughout America to openly defy our nation’s laws and off er safe haven to countless thousands of individuals who are illegally …

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How Will America Handle 400 Million People by Mid-Century?

This ad appeared in the Washington Times on October 2, 2017. Please click the photo to view the add as it appeared in the Washington Times. HOW WILL AMERICA HANDLE 400 MILLION PEOPLE BY MID-CENTURY? It’s long past time for a major correction in our nation’s immigration and population policies. Failure to take action soon will lead to more out-of-control immigration and …

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Ever Increasing Immigration is Not Necessary to Keep U.S. Economy Growing

“It’s time to abandon the notion that a growing population equals a growing economy.”  That’s the thesis behind a newly issued Forum Paper from Negative Population Growth (NPG), a national non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the size and growth of U.S. population.  This new research is presented by Edwin S. Rubenstein in a paper titled:  To Grow the Economy Increase Human Capital, Not the Number of Humans….

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NPG Paper Denounces GOP Pushes to Gut Planned Parenthood and ACA

New report finds that short-sighted agendas of “Trump Era” politicians are driving new U.S. policies, which may dangerously increase population size and growth.
After repeated Congressional attempts to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Negative Population Growth (NPG) will release a new Forum paper today.  The NPG report analyzes the impact of current conservative stances on both reproductive healthcare and foreign aid policy, finding that each will likely result in decreased access to contraceptive and family planning resources for millions. …

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Resurgent Pro-Natalism in the Trump Administration

Historically, the primary determinant of U.S. population size has been fertility – a topic associated with some of the most polarizing issues in American politics, now particularly health care policy. While net foreign immigration will soon replace fertility as the primary source of U. S. growth, shockingly high fertility rates in major sending regions (such as Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia) are significant drivers of immigration. Therefore, to…

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