

Will There Be Compromise or Chaos? The Trump administration’s proposal to roll back federal clean car standards that were put in place in 2012 during the Obama administration has set off a political firestorm that involves many powerful political players – and prompted the nation’s most populous state to dig in and respond with a very emphatic “NO!”  The answer …

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1965 and All That: Federal Laws That Increase Population and Illegal Immigration

The U.S. has never had a formal population policy – has never tried to directly limit population growth or fertility rates. Any such policy would likely start with constraints on groups with the highest fertility rates: the poor, the poorly educated, minorities, and immigrants. The politics of such a move would be daunting. Charges of racism, elitism, and government meddling in a decision best left…

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New NPG Research Paper Focuses on Immigration, Population, Labor and the Economy

Calls for Shift in Immigration Policy to Restore Fairness to the Labor Market. Many observers have been voicing growing uneasiness about the degradation in the conditions facing America’s working and middle classes in the past few decades.  To what degree are stagnating wages, decreasing prospects for mobility and the hollowing out of the middle class attributable to immigration?  More importantly, what can we do to halt the worsening of the condition of the country’s workers?…

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This ad appeared in the Washington Times Weekly starting April 16, 2018.
As America prepares to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, you have a huge responsibility to make sure that large and small
policies and actions on the federal, state and local level give top priority to environmental concerns.
With our nation’s population continuing to soar by tens of millions of people each decade – and set to approach 400 million
by 2050 – we members of Negative Population Growth appeal to you to do all you can to create a workable and responsible
national population policy….

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Concerned About The Environmental Future of the Country?

This ad appeared in the USA Today Green Living Green, April 17th, 2018 and the Washington Times Weekly on April 23th, 2018.
The best way to protect our nation from greater environmental damage is to reduce our population size and growth.
U.S. population now exceeds 327 million people and we are on track to add another 70 million by mid-century. In order to preserve our quality of life for future generations, we …

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NPG Calls for Non-Political Census

Says Accurate Count of People in U.S. Must Be a Top Priority. Negative Population Growth’s President Donald Mann has stepped forth to put the weight of his organization behind those who oppose including a citizenship question in the 2020 U.S. Census. In the wake of a growing national controversy, many people are charging that the recent decision to return to …

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