
The Danger of Heat Waves

When Record-Breaking Temperatures Point Towards a Hotter Future for All Heatwaves on the west coast and in the southwest region are keeping temperatures high and possibly record-breaking.  On August 16, the temperature in Death Valley, California reached 130 degrees in the afternoon. According to the Washington Post, the high temperature marks what could be the new world record for “the …

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NPG Environmental Ad Series

NPG’s series of ads run during the months of September and October 2020 in The Washington Times to draw attention to various environmental problems facing our world, and to show the connections to the size of our population.

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Climate Change, Migration and National Security

As climate change accelerates, as much as one-third of world population could live in places that most humans consider
too hot for habitation. Currently fewer than 25 million people, predominantly in Africa, live in these hot zones, defined as
places where mean annual temperature (MAT) is above 84 degrees Fahrenheit.1 By comparison, Miami’s MAT is a
comparatively “frigid” 74 F.

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