Scientists Worry Slow Circulation Will Increase Climate Change
March 17, 2021
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March 23, 2021 Scientists Worry Slow Circulation Will Increase Climate Change Study Finds Atlantic Ocean Circulation is Slower Now than the Past 1,000 Years Scientists have proven circulation in the Atlantic Ocean has decreased. The current, which plays an integral role in redistributing heat throughout the planet, is now slower than it has been in at least 1,600 years. Scientists …
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Do You Believe Amnesty Is Good For Our Country?
March 10, 2021
This ad appeared in The Washington Times Weekly on March of 2021 on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd and The National Review on April 5th,
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Ecologists Unite to Publish Perspective on the Earth’s Condition
March 8, 2021
NPG Commentary
March 9, 2021 Ecologists Unite to Publish Perspective on the Earth’s Condition Is It Possible to Avoid a Ghastly Future on Earth? “Humanity is causing a rapid loss of biodiversity and, with it, Earth’s ability to support complex life. But the mainstream is having difficulty grasping the magnitude of this loss, despite the steady erosion of the fabric of human …
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New NPG Forum Paper Explores Doctors’ Stance and Obstacles Faced When Confronting Overpopulation
February 23, 2021
Press Releases
Doctors Acknowledge Their Hand in Overpopulation but Is It Enough? In 1972, an organization of doctors tackled overpopulation in their mission statement, saying, in part: “It is right that we as doctors should be especially concerned about the world population crisis.” Since that time, doctors have generally taken a more passive stance on overpopulation. Rarely quick to highlight the dangers of overpopulation or the connection between overpopulation and
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Doctors Take Responsibility For Overpopulation, Again
Doctors and Overpopulation was established in 1972 in the United Kingdom. The organization’s mission statement, published simultaneously in the British Medical Journal and The Lancet, declared: “It is right that we as doctors should be especially concerned about the world population crisis. In the first place we bear some
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A Message Called “Covid-19”
I am a retired physician and COVID-19 survivor, and I am here to deliver a message contained in the heart of this pandemic. I am also the author of Stress R Us, a PDF of which is contained in the e-library, and also a Cassandra, sounding the clarion call initially delivered by Paul R. Ehrlich in his prescient 1968
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The Connection Between Pollen and Climate Change
February 16, 2021
NPG Commentary
February 17, 2021 The Connection Between Pollen and Climate Change The Affects of Human-Caused Climate Change on Allergy Season Human-caused climate change is worsening pollen season in the United States. New research shows pollen season starting early, lasting longer, and with an increased amount of pollen. The new study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, …
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Historically Low Numbers for the Annual Survey of Migrating Monarchs
February 3, 2021
NPG Commentary
February 9, 2021 Historically Low Numbers for the Annual Survey of Migrating Monarchs What is Happening to the Monarch Butterfly Species Population? The annual winter count of monarch butterflies yielded much less than ever before. The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation conducted their yearly survey of the migrating population of butterflies and determined: “With approximately 95% of the data in, …
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Plastic Found in the Arctic Ocean Likely from Washing Clothes
January 27, 2021
NPG Commentary
January 28, 2021 Plastic Found in the Arctic Ocean Likely from Washing Clothes Cloud of Plastic in Oceans Reignite Concerns on the Overall Effects of Microplastics The Arctic Ocean is filling with plastic. Microplastic fibers from clothes have made their way to the Arctic Ocean. Peter Ross, from the Ocean Wise Conservation Association in Canada, who led the most recent …
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$75 Billion in Flood Damages Due to Climate Change
January 15, 2021
NPG Commentary
January 19, 2020 $75 Billion in Flood Damage Due to Climate Change Flooding is One of the Most Costly Natural Disasters in the U.S. A new study from Stanford researchers concludes that climate change has caused nearly $75 billion in flood damage, in the U.S., in the past three decades. This research, published in the journal Proceedings of the National …
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