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NPG’s New Forum Paper Exposes the Damage Humans are Inflicting on Wildlife

Why We Need to Reframe Our Relationship with Wildlife ...
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NPG Awards $30,000 in Scholarships for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

Eighteen Students Will Receive Awards for Essays Related to Overpopulation ...
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New NPG Forum Paper Explores the U.S. Immigration System After Title 42

Click here to download a PDF of this release. Current Immigration Policy is Not Sustainable Long Term Alexandria, VA, (June ...
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New Forum Paper NPG’s Highlights Experience at COP15

Click here to download a PDF of this release. NPG’s New Forum Paper Highlights Activist’s Experience at COP15 COP15 Ignores ...
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New NPG Paper Asks for Leaders to Focus on Solutions to the Southwest’s Water Crisis

The southwest region of the United States is attracting new residents daily. Known for its sunshine, open spaces, and new ...
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NPG Teacher Packets Arrive in Classrooms Across America

America’s teachers are enthusiastically requesting Negative Population Growth’s 2022 Teacher Packets to facilitate classroom discussions on U.S. population size and ...
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NPG’s New Forum Paper Looks at U.S. Schools Struggling to Keep up with New Enrollments

School Districts Nationwide Cope with Population Growth in Similar Ways ...
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New NPG Forum Paper Wants Less Name-Calling and More Focus on Overpopulation

Overpopulation Activists Are Pro-Humanity ...
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New NPG Commentary and Advertisement Tackle the Need to Overhaul US Immigration Policies

Negative Population Growth, Inc. has published a new commentary on immigration and placed a new advertisement in The Washington Times ...
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NPG Forum Paper Looks at Immigration to the U.S. from Ukraine

Ukraine continues to hold attention nationwide as the country’s people seek to remain independent and free from Russia, an outcome ...