/ / NPG Journal

The NPG Journal: Vol. 6, No. 9

A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Hurtling Toward 50 Million: California Expands the Welcome Mat for Illegal Immigration (NPG Footnote)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The federal government in Washington may be loathe to make population policy, ...
/ / President's Column

Economic Growth is Unfortunately, or Even Tragically, A Transient Phenomenon

(that is to say an exceptional occurrence) It is apparently extremely difficult for the general public, as well as for ...

Overpopulation and Overconsumption: Where Should We Focus? (Revised)

Originally published in 1998, NPG has revised and republished Overpopulation and Overconsumption: Where Should We Focus? by Michael G. Hanauer.  This paper offers ...
/ / NPG Journal

The NPG Journal: Vol. 6, No. 8

A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues ...
/ / President's Column

Climate Change and the U.S. Infrastructure

A new report released by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) expresses serious concerns about the current state of our ...
/ / Polls

2013 NPG Member Questionnaire

Each year, NPG invites our full membership to participate in our annual Member Questionnaire project.  Members are asked to answer ...
/ / Polls

2013 National U.S. Voter Public Opinion Survey On America’s Population Growth

Each year, NPG receives thousands of responses to our annual National U.S. Voter Public Opinion Survey on America’s Population Growth.  ...
/ / Polls

2013 National U.S. Voter Public Opinion Survey On America's Population Growth

Each year, NPG receives thousands of responses to our annual National U.S. Voter Public Opinion Survey on America’s Population Growth.  ...
/ / President's Column

Climate Change and The Size of our U.S. Population: Any Connection?

Does the size of our population have any effect at all on the amount of our greenhouse gas emissions? Of ...