/ / NPG Journal

The NPG Journal: Vol. 7, No. 6

A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues ...
/ / President's Column

Toledo Today, America Tomorrow: The Link between Population Growth and Microcystin

Residents of Toledo, OH breathed a sigh of relief in early August, as the Mayor lifted a tap water ban ...

Urgently Needed Now: A National Policy to Reduce U.S. Population (An NPG Position Paper)

Thirty four years have passed since, in 1980, NPG published a 62 page booklet that I had written titled, Urgently ...

Our Plundered Planet and a Future of Less

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Walter Younquist is a veteran observer and commentator on world and U.S ...
/ / NPG Journal

The NPG Journal: Vol. 7, No. 5

A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues ...

Sobering Wisdom from the Elders (An NPG Booknote)

NPG adherents, along with all Americans hoping for population sanity, will find stirring essays and insights of longtime advocates of ...

While Increasing Fuel Efficiency is a Positive Step, America is Still Missing the Real Solution

Just a few days after his State of the Union address, President Obama followed through on his promise to work ...
/ / NPG Journal

The NPG Journal: Vol. 7, No. 4

A Monthly Commentary on Population and Immigration Issues ...

The Awesome Power of Exponential Growth

Exponential growth is the steady growth of anything by a fixed percentage over a period of time.  Compound interest on ...

New EPA Report Shows Limited Government Oversight of Fracking

As population growth continues, our consumption of natural resources – including fossil fuels – has reached critical mass.  In our ...