/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

The Cowering Giant (NPG Footnote)

I think I have found a job for the U.S. Army ...

Confronting The 21st Century’s Hidden Crisis: Reducing Human Numbers by 80%

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Confronting The 21st Century’s Hidden Crisis: Reducing Human Numbers by 80% An ...


On the old road between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, at a crossing called Budaghers, there is an abandoned roadhouse and ...

We’re Already Bailing Out Mexico (NPG Footnote)

Like the NAFTA debate, that on the proposed $40 billion financial bailout of Mexico is silent on the demographic gulf ...


Environmental journalist Roy Beck has produced a truly worthwhile gem of a book for anyone wishing to learn more about ...

A Checklist for CIR (NPG Footnote)

I participated recently in a round table organized by the Commission on Immigration Reform and was asked to make a ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Clinton on Population, Part 2: Waiting for Al

Clinton on Population, Part 2: Waiting for Al An NPG Forum Paper By Lindsey Grant February 1995 Click here for ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

The Case for Reducing Immigration from Over One Million to 100,000 a year (An NPG Position Paper)

The evidence is overwhelming that with its present population of over 260 million, the U.S. is already vastly overpopulated in ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Clinton on Population, Part 1., Sobering News From The Real World

The Clinton administration is at mid-term, and the political landscape has been changed by the Republican landslide last November ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

The Caribbean Immigration Centrifuge: A Portent of Continued Immigration Growth (NPG Footnote)

Washington's agreement with Castro last fall to increase Cuban immigration to at least 20,000 a year once again sacrifices much ...