
Whatever Happened to the Good Old Days?

Christopher Clugston, author of the NPG Forum paper Whatever Happened to the Good Old Days?, is an ecological and resource economist who has ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Ecological Economist Brian Czech’s Supply Shock: A Persuasive Road Map to a Steady-State Economy (NPG Book Review)

Looking back on 2013, my pick for the most useful and incisive book on our lethal addiction to economic growth ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers


Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version An NPG Forum Paper by Lindsey Grant “Anyone who believes exponential growth ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Population Politics: An Australian Case Study (NPG Footnote)

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s Liberal-National coalition took power in Australia in September 2013, after winning a convincing election victory over ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Hurtling Toward 50 Million: California Expands the Welcome Mat for Illegal Immigration (NPG Footnote)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The federal government in Washington may be loathe to make population policy, ...

Overpopulation and Overconsumption: Where Should We Focus? (Revised)

Originally published in 1998, NPG has revised and republished Overpopulation and Overconsumption: Where Should We Focus? by Michael G. Hanauer.  This paper offers ...

Growth Slows, But No End in Sight in Latest Census Projections

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Census Bureau population projections released in late December 2012 and mid-May 2013 ...

Where have you Gone, Harry Reid? (NPG Footnote)

I recently ran across the following OpEd by Senator Harry Reid, the current Senate Majority Leader, in the Los Angeles ...

Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (NPG Footnote)

Senate leaders are rushing to push through SB 744, a bill enticingly titled as the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration ...
/ / Forum Paper, Forum Papers

Revisiting the Chesapeake Bay
The Effect of Population Growth on America’s Largest Estuary

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The once-acclaimed program to restore the Chesapeake Bay has fallen short of ...