
Welcome to NPG’s New Website!

Our website is visited by thousands of individuals each month, including students and other researchers, NPG members and activists, and contacts within the media and government offices.

NPG’s primary goal is to educate all who will listen about the need for policies designed to slow, halt, and eventually reverse population growth. As our nation continues to be at the forefront of technology, we know our digital presence is vital to our efforts.

We hope you are pleased with our new look and will continue to follow our efforts on a regular basis.

NPG’s website – in fact, all of our programs – exists only because loyal and dedicated friends just like you continue to support our efforts. NPG members range from those who may give just $10 or $15 once or twice a year to those who generously contribute as much as $5,000 or even $10,000 at a time. We appreciate every single gift we receive.  Every single additional dollar helps fund our programs and no gift is too small.

So please, consider a contribution – large or small – to help us continue to reach more and more Americans with our message.
We simply have TOO MANY PEOPLE!