

This ad appeared in the Washington Examiner on March 27, April 10, and May 1, 2023. Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN, PRESIDENT BIDEN? The Members of Negative Population Growth, Inc. respectfully ask what you plan to do to fix the horrible problems now occurring on our nation’s …

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NPG Video Series: The Sources Of Growth

In this first video of the new series, NPG analyzes the sources of U.S. population growth.  We break down the complex topic into bite-sized pieces, so that the average American can gain a better understanding of our nation’s growth.  The film asks important questions for the viewer to consider – topics often dismissed or misunderstood by many Americans: Why should …

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About Our Founder

Donald Wright Mann 1922-2021 It is with great sadness that we must announce the passing of NPG founder and President, Donald W. Mann.  Don led NPG from its inception in 1972 until his death on May 1, 2021.  We will miss his witty sense of humor and his sage advice. Last year, NPG member and activist Alan Saly graciously wrote …

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Learn More About NPG

Most politicians, big business and its supporting economists call for growth as a solution to all our problems. Apparently, they believe in perpetual growth, which is a mathematical absurdity on a finite planet. There must be limits. Science is demonstrating that human population and consumption in the United States and the world are already too large and are destroying the …

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Support Us

Donate by Phone or Mail Donate Monthly Become A Member Renew Your Membership Leave a Lasting Legacy Make your online donation below to help fund the work that places the real facts about immigration-driven population growth directly into the hands of students, journalists, and elected officials across the country.  Thank you for helping NPG to continue and expand our programs – and …

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State Profile Series

NPG is excited to introduce a new series of State Profiles. Our goal is to provide you, the reader, with powerful information in an easy-to-read format. Former House Speaker Tip O’Neil popularized (though did not coin) the phrase “All politics is local.” That statement is certainly true when it comes to population, immigration, environmental, and resource issues. Never are problems …

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