The Case Against Immigration: The Moral, Economic, Social, and Environmental Reasons for Reducing U.S. Immigration Back to Traditional Levels
- January 1, 1996
- Recommended Reading

by Roy Beck
W.W. Norton and Company, 1996
NPG Fellow David Simcox’s Review
“We will always be a nation of immigrants. But runaway immigration rates– far beyond traditional levels– are now savaging American society on many fronts. This rigorously reported, deeply humane book documents the crisis and points the way out of a government-engineered mess that benefits the rich at the expense of almost everyone else including immigrants.”
“Roy Beck demonstrates that immigration policy has been set in an incoherent manner without any stated goals, and with no regard for the harm it does to both high-skill and low-skill American workers.”
Professor Norman Matloff,
University of California, Davis