Population writer Lindsey Grant has been associated with NPG since 1987, when he initiated the NPG Forum series. Since then, he has written more than 60 Forum pieces for NPG. He also edited the Optimum Population series and some other early Forum pieces for NPG. He has also written or edited eight books during that period, six of which were supported by NPG, either by distributing them to major U.S. libraries or, in one case, publishing the book.

Civilizations have overused their resources before, and collapsed or moved on, but never on a scale remotely resembling the present ...

Valedictory: The Age of Overshoot
Civilizations have overused their resources before, and collapsed or moved on, but never on a scale remotely resembling the present ...

The Collapsing Bubble: Growth and Fossil Energy
A courageous look at the world’s dwindling energy resources. Contending that the energy debate has been cast in the wrong ...

Too Many People: The Case for Reversing Growth
This book explores a fundamental but seldom asked question: has the recent growth of human numbers and economic activity imperiled ...

Juggernaut: Growth on a Finite Planet
Lindsey Grant examines the human condition as population and consumption levels approach the edges of the Earth's ability to support ...

How Many Americans?: Population, Immigration and the Environment
In this tough-minded, lucid book, Leon Bouvier and Lindsey Grant examine the inevitable and escalating environmental degradation that will result ...

Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions About Our Overcrowded Country
In the last century, the United States has grown from 75 million people to 250 million. Have we gone too ...