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NPG Head Calls on Senate to Improve House’s Legislation Curbing Sanctuary Cities

Warns that Non-cooperation in Immigration Enforcement of Some States and Cities Speeds Population Growth. Don Mann, President of Negative Population ...
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NPG Forum Paper Links Population Growth to Worsening U.S. Groundwater Scarcity

New analysis finds America’s water resources endangered by overpopulation and development. After President Trump’s 2018 budget cut $2 billion in ...
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NPG Announces Essay and Photo Scholarship Winners

In keeping with its longstanding and highly popular Youth Outreach program, Negative Population Growth (NPG) continues to engage America’s students ...
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NPG Report Focuses on U.S. Infrastructure and Population on a Collision Course

If current trends continue and immigration remains such a driving force in America’s population growth, our country may be forced ...
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NPG Releases Position Paper on Birthright Citizenship

Analysis finds that current interpretation of 14th Amendment leads to massive chain migration, causing dangerous increases to U.S. population growth ...
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NPG Report Offers Alternative Option for Majority of Nation’s Illegal Aliens

Proposal grants substantial compensation for qualifying immigrants who voluntarily depart the U.S., offers compromise between hard right and left proposals ...
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New NPG Forum Paper Maps the Removal of Population Issue from Environmental Movement

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Download a PDF of this release here. New NPG Forum Paper ...
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NPG Report Shows Every Immigrant Admission Means 4.45 People for U.S. Population

Expert analysis finds each immigrant sponsors an average of 3.45 more immigrants, contributing to population growth. On February 7th, Senators ...
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New NPG Paper Shows Serious Impact of U.S. Population Growth on Climate Change

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Download a PDF of this release here. New NPG Paper Shows ...
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New NPG Paper Links Overpopulation to Dwindling Resources

Expert geologist Dr. Walter Youngquist calls for a “greatly reduced”population as a critical element of the solution to global resource ...