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NPG Forum Paper on a Sustainable Economy Holds True 20 Years Later

Cites Critical Need for Balanced Economic Growth and Population – Donald Mann, President of Negative Population Growth (NPG), wrote a ...
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New NPG Report: The Rise in Feminism and Its Impact on Population Growth

Birthrates and Female Empowerment Tied Together - The release of a new Forum Paper from Negative Population Growth celebrates 2019’s ...
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New NPG Forum Paper Offers a Sobering View of Our Shared Future

Environmental effects of population growth will be devastating for the planet – Looking Ahead, the latest addition to the extensive ...
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NPG Calls For President Trump And Congress To Go Beyond Strengthening The Border In Any Compromise On Current Impasse

Says a Strong Border Must Be Coupled with a Commitment for More Interior Enforcement Alexandria, VA - Citing the fact ...
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NPG Forum Paper Highlights Sub-Saharan Immigration into the United States

Negative Population Growth has released a new Forum Paper related to the influx of immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa and their ...
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Negative Population Growth President Slams Congress’ “Empty Promises” on Immigration Reform

As 2018 rushes to a close, Donald Mann, the president of Negative Population Growth, a national grassroots organization fighting for ...
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AN UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACH TO POPULATION POLICY: Use the Feminist Revolution To Reverse World Population Growth

Negative Population Growth (NPG) is pleased to issue its seventh Forum Paper for 2018, with the publication and distribution of ...
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New NPG Forum Paper Exposes Many Flaws in Refugee and Asylee System

Calls for Massive Overhaul to Prevent Fraud and Corruption. NPG President Donald Mann is pleased to release a new NPG ...
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President Don Mann Releases New Paper on U.S. Waterways and Population

Population Growth Continues to Threaten Fragile Waterways Across the Country. Americans have a deep and historic love for their rivers, ...
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NPG Awards National Student Scholarships for 2018-2019 Academic Year

Negative Population Growth leaders have announced this year’s winners of the organization’s Annual Essay Scholarship Contest.  Six students from across ...