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NPG Releases New Photo Scholarship Calendar

Featuring winning images from NPG’s annual Scholarship Contest, the calendar depicts environmental treasures threatened by U.S. population growth.In keeping with ...
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NPG Releases New Forum Paper: More Nonsense on Inexhaustible Resources from The Wall Street Journal

Rejecting recent claims that the world’s resources are infinite, ecologist Leon Kolankiewicz targets population growth and resulting resource exhaustion.In response ...
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NPG Denounces President’s Determination to Dictate New Immigration Policy

NPG Denounces President’s Determination to Dictate New Immigration Policy Sees looming executive action in November as threat to stimulate U.S ...
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NPG Releases Precepts of New Campaign: 10 Principles for a Responsible U.S. Population Policy

NPG Releases Precepts of New Campaign: 10 Principles for a Responsible U.S. Population PolicySees pending executive action as dangerous threat to ...
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New NPG President’s Column Draws Link Between Toledo Water Ban and U.S. Population Growth

New NPG President’s Column Draws Link Between Toledo Water Ban and U.S. Population Growth Connects growing population to increasing climate change ...
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NPG Releases New Position Paper Urgently Needed Now: A National Policy to Reduce U.S. Population

NPG Releases New Position PaperUrgently Needed Now:  A National Policy to Reduce U.S. Population Sees Census Bureau projections as evidence ...
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NPG Releases New Forum Paper: Our Plundered Planet and a Future of Less

NPG Releases New Forum Paper: Our Plundered Planet and a Future of Less Rejecting the prevailing faith in growth, expert Walter ...
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NPG Releases New President’s Column in Response to Influx of Central American Immigration

NPG Releases New President’s Column in Response to Influx of Central American Immigration Sees TVPRA loopholes and Washington’s indolence as further ...
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NPG Announces New Campaign in Response to Unilateral Executive Action on Immigration

NPG Announces New Campaign in Response to Unilateral Executive Action on Immigration Identifies flawed immigration policy as instrumental in surges of ...
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NPG Calls for White House Commitment to Study U.S. Population Growth

Cites need for Presidential Commission on Population as critical to administration’s priority to reverse climate change. Following the release of the ...