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New NPG Report Shows Foreign-Born Population Growing as U.S. Economy Improves

Analysis of Census Bureau data shows immigration, not natural increase, is projected to become main source of U.S. population growth ...
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NPG Forum Paper Links Population Growth to Significant Biodiversity Loss

Following a September 16th report in the journal Science outlining the world’s “sixth extinction” event – a serious ecological threat ...
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NPG Report Cites 21st Century as “Greatest Turning Point for Mankind”

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Download a PDF of this release here. NPG Report Cites 21st ...
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NPG Releases Position Paper on Sanctuary Legislation

Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Download a PDF of this release here. NPG Releases Position Paper ...
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NPG Forum Highlights Source of Global Environmental Woes

New report finds overpopulation is key to many present-day ecological and social challenges, yet remains a taboo subject for most ...
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Your gift helps publish and distribute materials like this. Download a PDF of this release here. NPG CALLS SENATE VOTE ...
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NPG Paper Shows Impact of Refugees on U.S. Population

NPG Paper Shows Impact of Refugees on U.S. Population New analysis highlights the effect of current refugee policies on America’s ...
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New NPG Paper Explores Demographic Assault on Fragile Planet

New NPG Paper Explores Demographic Assault on Fragile Planet Analysis finds the “overwhelming scale” of Earth’s problems comes from resource ...
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NPG Launches New Short Video Series Exploring U.S. Population Growth

NPG Launches New Short Video Series Exploring U.S. Population Growth Each film covers a unique aspect: sources of growth, sprawl ...
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New NPG Paper Shows Negative Economic Impact of U.S. Immigration

New NPG Paper Shows Negative Economic Impact of U.S. Immigration Expert analysis reveals the “biggest losers” of mass immigration are ...