
Search result for: “climate change”

The Steady-State Economy: What It Is, Why We Need It

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Viewed superficially, humanity’s material condition and prospects have never looked better. Modernization and affluence are unprecedentedly democratized. A more penetrating examination, however, reveals that humanity is hideously vulnerable, that its present course cannot long endure, and that a radically different type of economy is urgently needed. I. Our Growth Economy is Unsustainable …

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COLLAPSE: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (NPG Bootnote)

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Dr. Diamond’s new study of “how societies choose to fail or succeed” has received considerable attention, and deservedly so. He describes eight threats to traditional societies and twelve among modern societies. He details the process by which various well-known collapses occurred in Easter Island, Pitcairn and Henderson Islands, the Anasazi, Mayan civilization, …

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Forecasting the Unknowable: The U.N. “World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version The United Nations Population Division has put the highlights of its new population estimates and projections onto the Web1. Present world population is 6.3 billion. It is projected to rise to 8.9 billion by 2050, a number almost identical to the 1998 projection but 400 million below the 2000 version and slightly …

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Sustainability, Part I: On the Edge of an Oxymoron

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version.  The term “sustainable development” has become fashionable, but it is regularly used in the sense of “sustainable growth,” a self-contradictory concept beloved by those who want to continue at the same old stand growth as a solution to all problems and yet couch it in terms that will not offend environmentalists.  The …

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Balancing Humans in the Biosphere: Escaping the Overpopulation Trap

Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Life Expectancy Drives U.S. and World Population Growth An NPG Forum Paper The Optimum Population Series by Robert Costanza July 1990 This is the eighth in a series of NPG Forum papers exploring the idea of optimum population what would be a desirable population size for the United States? Without any consensus …

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New NPG Forum Paper Examines the Connection Between Affluence, Consumerism, and the Environment

Will the Environment Continue to Degrade as the Affluent Continue to Consume?
“If 2020 teaches us anything, it’s that the next crisis is likely right around the corner, and could be prevented, or at least contained, if we act swiftly. A pandemic that scientists long warned was likely to occur, occurred, and has already killed well over 240,000 people in the U.S. Dozens of large wildfires – the latest evidence of the climate

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