
Search result for: “"climate change"”

NPG Launches New Short Video Series Exploring U.S. Population Growth

NPG Launches New Short Video Series Exploring U.S. Population Growth Each film covers a unique aspect: sources of growth, sprawl and development, and environmental damage. View this release on PRWeb This press release was picked up by hundreds of news outlets across the country, including The Miami Herald, The Boston Globe, Star Tribune, and International Business Times.  Together, NPG’s message …

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The Effects Of Growth: Environmental Damage

In this third video of the new series, NPG analyzes the effects of U.S. population growth – specifically when it comes to irreversible damage to our fragile environment.  We break down the complex topic into bite-sized pieces, so that the average American can gain a better understanding of the true impact of our nation’s growth. The film answers important questions …

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NPG Forum Revisits Links between Sustainability and Population Growth

For over 50 years, expert Dr. Albert Bartlett’s work connected environmental decline and overpopulation.
Following the January 1st launch of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Negative Population Growth (NPG) will release a new Forum paper today. The piece includes analysis of today’s commonly used term “sustainability,” finding:…

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There is Still Time (NPG Booknote)

There is Still Time NPG Booknote by David Simcox Peter Seidel, a longtime advocate of population reduction and friend and supporter of NPG, has released a new book: There is Still Time (360 Editions; Cincinnati, Ohio, 2015 – available through Amazon). This short book asks and answers critical questions for all of us concerned about humanity’s future on this planet: …

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Is this really what Lady Liberty intended?

This ad appearing in The Washington Times on October 19th, 2015, November 30th and January 4, 2016, as well as Mother Jones in the Jan/Feb 2016 Issue. Vanishing open spaces Flat Wages     Air and water pollution     Crowded Schools Energy shortages     Climate change    Traffic gridlocks Dwindling natural resources     Crumbling infrastructure Government budget cuts     Water scarcity  …

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NPG Forum Paper Links Population Growth to Worsening U.S. Water Shortages

NPG Forum Paper Links Population Growth to Worsening U.S. Water Shortages New analysis finds America’s water resources endangered by overpopulation and climate change. This NPG national Press Release was picked up by hundreds of media outlets across the country, including The MiamiHerald, The Boston Globe, Star Tribune, and The Sacramento Bee – reaching a subscribed audience of over 188 million people! …

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New NPG Paper Sees Present Global Affluence as Brief and Nonrenewable

After Pope Francis delivered a scathing encyclical on June 18, world debate surrounding climate change has become reignited. In response to the renewed public interest in this critical matter, Negative Population Growth (NPG) will release a new Forum paper on July 7 highlighting the links between population growth, natural resource consumption, and the likelihood of rapidly…

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New NPG Forum Paper: Population Pressures on Soils Threaten Food Security
Analysis of human population growth and agricultural trends shows another vital natural resource is disappearing: fertile soil for food production.
After a January 2015 article in the journal Geology revealed that human activity is eroding soil “100 times faster” than …

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