Deputy Director's Corner
Deputy Director’s Corner |
Are you on the frontlines of the fight for America’s future? |

Although World Population Day was observed on July 11th, it seems the global media is still talking about it. I have enjoyed the opportunity to review a wide array of articles and blogs addressing the critical issue of population size and growth. As this discussion tends to be notably absent from the spotlight, it’s been a nice change of pace to have so much material to choose from. (For more information on World Population Day, be sure to review this recent article by the International Business Times that gives “8 Things to Know” on the holiday!)
Of course, some articles represent the voice of our critics – who advocate the “grow baby, grow!” mentality – and are riddled with a dangerously dismissive battle cry: “fear not! Technology will save us!” However, I have been pleasantly surprised to see concerned citizens – legislators, reporters, bloggers, and just ordinary people – across the world speaking out against population growth.
One such editorial, titled “Situation Critical,” ran in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on July 9. Authored by Dr. Earl Babbie – the Campbell professor emeritus in behavioral sciences at Chapman University in Orange, CA – the piece states flatly what NPG has long advocated:
“Even though we can be clever about food production, recycling,
smart energy, etc., we are playing a losing game
as long as population growth continues.“
We can only hope that more of our nation’s decision makers – elected officials on the local, state, and national levels – will get the message: America is already dangerously overpopulated, and continued growth poses grave risks to our natural resources, environment, infrastructure, economy, and quality of life! It is our responsibility to speak up and demand a national population policy that works to preserve a livable future!
So the question becomes…
…what are YOU doing to get involved? |
There are a number of things you can do! You can contact your elected officials, write your own Op-Eds to local newspapers, or even distribute NPG publications to your local schools and libraries. YOU CAN HELP spread the word that we must act NOW – while public interest is on our side! So check out our website to learn more ways you can participate!
We’re also in the last few days for members and supporters to join NPG’s race on fitRaise – an online platform that allows participants to collect pledges for each mile you run, walk, or cycle. This race was created to raise awareness for World Population Day (July 11th) – but the deadline is July 27.
Earlier this week, we sent you an exclusive link to NPG’s latest Forum paper, The Other Soil Erosion: Long-Term Erosion of our Productive Farmland Base from U.S. Population Growth, which will be released to the public in the weeks ahead. Authored by NPG special advisor Leon Kolankiewicz, the new Forum paper highlights the continued erosion of the long-term productive potential of American farmland… and with it, our food security. I encourage you to review the paper – and to pass it on to friends, family, and your community!
We appreciate your continued activism and support of NPG. With your help, NPG has become a valued and trusted resource to journalists, researchers, educators, students, and other concerned Americans like you! Together, we will continue our work to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth!