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New Documentary Explores the Important Role of Healthy Topsoil on Earth

October 6, 2020 Could Alternative Farming Methods Help Preserve & Regenerate the Earth’s Topsoil? There is a new environmental documentary ...
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New Information Hub Seeks to Provide Up-To-Date Science-Backed Information on Climate Change

October 1, 2020 There is a new space on social media to learn about climate change. On September 15th, Facebook ...
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World Wildlife Fund’s Biennial Living Planet Report Brings Endangered Species into Focus

World Wildlife Fund’s Biennial Living Planet Report Brings Endangered Species into Focus Understanding the Decline of Species on our Planet ...
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The Danger of Heat Waves

When Record-Breaking Temperatures Point Towards a Hotter Future for All Image by Dom Carver from Pixabay Heatwaves on the west ...
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National polls show support for NPG’s position

LISTENING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE National Polls Find Support for NPG Positions and Goals Every national organization that works to ...
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NATIONAL HONEY BEE DAY – AUGUST 18TH Celebrating Our Very Busy and Very Important Friends It is traditional for all ...
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U.S. National Parks Stressed

Record Numbers of Americans Are Flocking to Our National Parks Will Too Many Visitors Destroy Their Treasured Status? It’s the ...
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Overpopulation and Habitat Encroachment

Overpopulation and Habitat Encroachment A Growing Crisis That Must Be Brought Into Balance From Earth’s earliest times, humans and wildlife ...
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Will There Be Compromise or Chaos? The Trump administration’s proposal to roll back federal clean car standards that were put ...
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In Memoriam – Walter Youngquist

Walter L. Youngquist, PhD  1921-2018 With the passing of Dr. Walter Youngquist in February, NPG and the many Americans alarmed ...