Key Changes in Immigration Policy: What You Need to Know
- June 7, 2024
- NPG Commentary
Biden’s Executive Action and Its Implications

Those who follow national news closely have heard about a new presidential executive order claiming to solve our current immigration problems.
NPG is pleased to present a brief analysis of this order:
President Biden’s recent executive order calls for the border to be closed at official points of entry when the number of illegal migrants reaches an average of 2,500 per day over a seven-day period. Certain exemptions are available for individuals who meet specific criteria, and minors are not part of the count. Any illegal alien using the CBP One app is omitted from the count as well. Already we see there are many paths to exceed the 2,500 cap.
While the executive order is meant to show the American people that the Biden Administration is finally getting serious about our nation’s illegal immigration crisis, it is merely lip service. In fact, it sets a dangerous standard that an annual illegal alien count of more than 900,000 (365 X 2,500 = 912,500) should be viewed as acceptable.
Negative Population Growth, Inc., cannot reasonably endorse this new executive order because it is simply not designed to stop illegal entry.
Our position on this very complex subject has remained consistent for more than 50 years: illegal immigration can and must be stopped. No matter how the media sugar-coats the issue by calling illegal aliens a slew of things including “undocumented immigrants” or “unauthorized immigrants,” the reality is the same: entering or remaining in the United States illegally is a serious offense that deserves a concerted effort to stop.
Which leads to a few broad questions:
If the Biden Administration can stop illegal entry after a certain number is reached, why can’t they stop it now?
Why are we setting the number at 2,500? Why not 100? Or even 50? Or, ideally, setting a goal to have ZERO illegal activity?
Our Stance
At Negative Population Growth, Inc., our mission is to gradually halt and then reverse U.S. population growth to ensure a sustainable future with an adequate standard of living for all, in a healthy environment. Understanding that the overwhelming majority of U.S. population growth is driven by immigrants and their American-born children, NPG advocates an end to illegal immigration and an annual cap of not more than 200,000 legal immigrants each year.