The Point of No Return
- Mark Cromer
- June 28, 2023
- Forum Papers
- Forum Paper
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The southern border has been dissolved as a functional barrier and millions of migrants from all corners of the globe are pouring into the United States
An NPG Forum Paper
by Mark Cromer
June 2023
Abstract: Following President Joe Biden’s election and the Commander-in-Chief’s subsequent executive orders that not only effectively eliminated immigration enforcement measures along the southern border but also halted them completely in the interior of the United States, an unprecedented wave of sustained mass migration has rolled unimpeded across the American frontier. As the migratory waves make Category 5 landfalls on the Saffir-Simpson scale they are funneled into a national network operated by an amalgamation of NGOs, religious organizations and other groups that facilitate their dispersal and settlement across the country. While even government data demonstrates the historic proportions of what is occurring, additional factors and previous studies suggest the actual number of migrants entering the country is likely to be even more staggering than what’s being officially reported. A system ostensibly created to competently control immigration has been reconfigured – or corrupted – into one that facilitates a flood of humanity.
Total collapse.
Total collapse is the only accurate assessment one can arrive at when objectively evaluating what has happened to the United States’ immigration system. It’s an implosion preceded by bureaucratic corrosion that spread untreated for decades, a calculated malfeasance that has accelerated over the past two years to the point of no return. Even if the federal government suddenly took drastic and decisive steps to staunch the Biblical-scale migration into the United States, the damage has been done. The president could order several hundred thousand soldiers to the border to achieve immediate operational control and Congress could pass sweeping immigration legislation akin to what it did a century ago. But to what end for the many millions who are now in the country?
The die is cast.
From the masses of humanity emerging from the unforgivably brutal jungle of the Darien Gap1 where Colombia meets Panama to the vast caravans snaking across the entirety of the former nation-state of Mexico, where the narco-cartels are now estimated to control more than a quarter of the crumbling country,2 all the way up to the Rio Grande where a relentless stampede of immigrants forge the river – the now daily images of the chaos capture snapshots, but only snapshots, of the magnitude of the mass migration into the United States.
As Americans and the rest of the world watch millions of people traverse at will, a now largely imaginary line across the southern frontier of the United States, what happens once they are ensconced inside the fictional gates of Ronald Reagan’s mythical ‘shining city on the hill’ has garnered less attention from Capitol Hill.
Yet Washington would have us not believe our eyes nor trust our common sense.
The word from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can be summed up in the assertion that it’s actually not as bad as it looks.
It’s a cynical assessment that has long been echoed by the leadership of both parties in Congress to varying degrees, with the GOP generally matching its calls for improved border security with pleas for expanding the avenues for mass legal immigration. The Democratic leadership has remained generally consistent in its support of eliminating the border altogether.
It’s exceedingly telling that while the GOP could have held up the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill of December 2022 unless and until decisive efforts were undertaken to secure operational control of the border, the Republican leadership took a pass with nary a backward glance. It’s equally revealing that while the Democratic leadership insists it seeks ‘improved border security,’ they have declined to support even the most feeble enforcement measures put forth by the GOP leadership. …Continue reading the full Forum paper by clicking here.
Mark Cromer is a professional writer and researcher with more than three decades as a working journalist and an investigator in the field of business intelligence. His work on mass immigration and population growth issues has been published in major newspapers across the nation and internationally. Cromer was a senior staff investigator at Sapient Investigations, Inc., for more than a decade and he worked as a contract investigator for Kroll Associates, the global blue chip risk consulting and investigations firm.