- August 3, 2022
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This ad appeared in The Washington Times Daily on August 3rd, 2022. It also appeared in The Washington Times Weekly on September 12 and September 19.
Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications.
Dear President Biden,
The Members of Negative Population Growth, Inc. respectfully ask what you plan to do to fix the horrible problems now occurring on our nation’s southern border. As our Commander in Chief and the primary architect of our current immigration policies, we feel your plans for the near future are vitally important in any discussion regarding border crossings and admission into the country.
Every nation has the right to determine its own immigration policy. For the security of current citizens and legal residents, it makes sense for our government to know who is entering our nation and under what circumstances. For you to allow hundreds of thousands of hopeful immigrants to illegally enter the U.S., only to be released into the country with the hopes that they will return for an immigration hearing, is both dangerous and naïve.
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reports that more than 448,000 apprehensions were made along the southern border between May and June of 2022. Within those numbers are more than 110,000 “family units,” so the total number of individuals apprehended is surely more than 448,000 for just those two months.
Mr. Biden, you have the ultimate authority to set goals and to enforce immigration laws to work for the benefit of all Americans. Negative Population Growth, Inc. believes that legal immigration should be capped at no more than 200,000 annually. We further believe that – by enforcing all immigration laws currently on the books and by adopting a zero-tolerance policy toward illegal entry and occupancy – illegal immigration can be almost entirely stopped. So please, for the sake of our nation, do what is best for our own people and put an end to the current border crisis. We urge you to:
• Re-instate the “Remain in Mexico” policy to require thousands of hopeful migrants to wait in Mexico until an asylum decision is made.
• End the Catch-and-Release policy that permits tens of thousands of illegal border crossers to escape into the U.S. before they are deemed eligible to stay in the country.
The hard facts of our current immigration crisis lead one to believe that the United States has simply stopped enforcing immigration laws. It’s time for leadership. Please use your position and influence to do what is best for our nation as a whole.