- January 10, 2022
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This ad appeared in the Washing Times Weekly on January 10th, 2022.
Please click the photo to view the ad as it appeared in these publications.
Does it make sense for elected leaders throughout America to openly defy our nation’s laws and off er safe haven to countless thousands of individuals who are illegally in our country – many of them with criminal records?
The answer is a resounding “NO.”
Today as local, state, and federal authorities wage a “war of enforcement” related to our country’s immigration laws, it is essential that “sanctuary” policies be eliminated as soon as possible in the more than 500 jurisdictions that offer them.
Sanctuary Cities Undermine
America’s Rule of Law and
Put American Lives At Risk
The very existence of sanctuary cities stands as a huge welcome sign to people across the globe to sneak into our country without the risk of being expelled. They foster lawlessness and undermine our nation’s security. Failure to totally eliminate sanctuary policies will be a major setback to efforts to rein-in today’s out-of-control immigration and population numbers.
NPG has been a leader in fighting the war on sanctuary cities. We have reached out to thousands of Americans to enlist their support in this battle, ran national media ads to alert citizens to the dire consequences of their elected leaders continuing such practices, and petitioned Congress to deny federal funds to cities that embrace “sanctuary madness.”
NPG is now celebrating its 50th year of promoting responsible population policies and fighting immigration lawlessness. As we work to fund our informative research, expand our valuable education projects, and take our message to millions more citizens to get them to help slow, halt and eventually reverse population growth – we need your help.
The faster we can eliminate sanctuary cites, The safer our nation will be!
Please join us.
Support NPG’s mission @ www.NPG.org.
This advertisement is part of NPG’s 50th Anniversary Public Awareness Campaign. NPG has committed to placing fifty ads in this commemorative year as we pursue our goal to educate more and more Americans regarding population size and growth.