American Citizenship Should be Priceless, Today it’s Available for Just $465
- August 28, 2012
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This ad appeared in The Washington Times National Weekly, August 27, 2012.
American Citizenship Should be Priceless, Today it’s Available for Just $465

The majority of Americans are clear on the issue of immigration – they are against amnesty for illegal immigrants. Yet, in pushing through a new version of the DREAM Act, President Obama has nullified existing immigration laws and paved the way for millions of illegal immigrants to attain citizenship.
Tens of thousands of individuals recently converged on federal offices nationwide with their $465 application fee. This overwhelming response is just the beginning – an estimated 1.76 million illegal residents can benefit from this so-called “temporary amnesty.”
There are no background checks for applicants, and no plans to begin them. There are no safeguards to detect, defer, or punish those who may fraudulently apply. Under the presidential directive, this massive Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operation will simply rubber stamp the vast majority of applications. With the rewards of legal work status, permission to stay in the U.S. indefinitely, and eventual citizenship, the potential for fraud is enormous.
What we are witnessing today is the total disregard of present immigration laws. We are effectively providing immunity for all who ignore our policies, leaving no consequences for entering or remaining in our country illegally. This action has huge social, economic, and environmental consequences for our nation.
The single largest source of growth for U.S. population is immigration. Our numbers currently stand at a staggering 314 million people, a level which is already unsustainable. Providing amnesty for illegal immigrants will only accelerate the growth of our population – which is projected to reach 438 million by 2050.
We are at a critical period in our history – soaring debt, national and state budgets that cannot accommodate basic public services, overcrowded schools and hospitals, congested roadways, depleted natural resources, vanishing green space, pollution, and environmental destruction. Now is the time to take action that ensures future generations can enjoy the America we leave them. We must protect their quality of life!
Help us bring a halt to this travesty. Protect the value of American citizenship. Call your Senators and Congressman at 202-224-3121 and demand that they immediately cut off funding for this new DREAM Act, which will only deliver a nightmare.