We Must Apply Logic to Immigration Reform
- April 29, 2024
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Immigration has become one of the most divisive issues of our time. Customs and Border Protection estimates that more than 7.4 million illegal border crossings have occurred since February 2021. These are the facts of the situation, from a Federal Agency, and not based on political agenda or party affiliation.
How did we get into such a mess?
Both sides of the debate have backed themselves further into their own corner. One side, at its extreme, wants to close the border and stop nearly everyone from entering the U.S. The opposite side, at its extreme, apparently believes that absolutely everyone who wishes to move to the United States has the right to do so. Negative Population Growth, Inc. (NPG), the nation’s premiere organization devoted to the study of population size and growth, is calling for a compromise on immigration reform.
NPG recommends a cap on legal immigration, including all refugees and asylees, of no more than 200,000 per year. NPG further believes that illegal immigration can and must be stopped, but it requires strong political will and great determination.
It is time for our nation’s leaders to apply logic and common sense to immigration reform. They must remove political biases and pass legislation based on the facts at hand, not on emotions.
NPG is sympathetic to the plight of those who wish to leave their home country and move to the U.S., but we cannot possibly accept everyone who wants to live here. There must be limits and a fair way to enforce those limits.
Please call your U.S. Senators and Congressional Representative (U.S. Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121) and ask them to support the average American taxpayer by passing meaningful legislation to truly put a stop to the endless surge of millions of migrants crossing our southern border. Our immigration system should benefit both the immigrant population and the receiving nation. The current crisis has grown into a true national disaster with no real beneficiaries.
For future generations of Americans, we simply must secure our nation’s southern border and stop thousands of illegal aliens from entering our country every day.