This ad appeared in The Washington Times Weekly on December 12, 2022.
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And America’s Still On Track to Grow to 400 Million People in Just a Few More Decades!
When the U.S. Census Bureau released the 2020 Census numbers there was little national discussion as to what they mean for America’s future. That’s terribly unfortunate because the “silent” crisis of population growth will only grow worse the longer it is ignored.
The final numbers revealed that our nation added 22.7 million people between 2010 and 2020. That’s millions of additional people crowding our cities and communities, polluting our nation’s waters, paving over valuable farmland, destroying our forests, and competing for America’s limited resources. Simply put, overpopulation is the biggest threat to a safe environmental future.
Bit by bit we are allowing population growth to destroy our quality of life for our children and grandchildren.
The release of the latest Census numbers offers everyone the perfect opportunity to focus our nation’s attention to find workable solutions and take the critical steps necessary to slow, halt and eventually reverse our nation’s population growth.
This year, Negative Population Growth celebrates our 50th anniversary working in partnership with tens of thousands of Americans who understand the dangers of Too Many People. We’ll be working diligently to expand our valuable educational projects to get more students involved in the fight to protect their future; fund our important and informative research; take our message to millions more citizens to encourage them to join in this battle; and put pressure on all elected leaders to work together to enact a realistic and workable national population policy.
We invite you to join us. Go online to register as NPG’s newest member.
This advertisement is part of NPG’s 50th Anniversary Public Awareness Campaign. NPG has committed to placing fifty ads in this commemorative year as we pursue our goal to educate more and more Americans regarding population size and growth.