This ad appeared in The Washington Times Weekly on August 22, 2022.
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As Americans debate our current immigration crisis and focus on how to stop the flow of illegal aliens into our country, it’s critical that we also reduce the number of legal immigrants the U.S. absorbs annually.
Immigration will soon stand as the major driving force behind increased population growth. If we fail to reduce the number of legal immigrants permitted into our country annually, the Census Bureau projects that immigration will account for three-fourths of our future growth.
The fact is that just over 1.1 million new legal permanent immigrants were admitted into the United States in 2018 - adding to an increasing immigration stream that has been going on for decades. Our current population of 333 million has grown by more than 50 million people since 2000 - and if current trends continue we will become a nation of 400 million by 2058.
That’s too many people!
Such huge numbers will trigger scores of
economic, environmental and social problems.
A child born in America today will likely live into the 22nd Century. It falls to all of us to leave them a livable nation. NPG is proud to lead the fight for sensible and responsible immigration policies and a sustainable population future. Our countless thousands of supporters work toward these important goals via our research, educational programs, national ads, and member activism on both the federal and state levels.
Help us significantly reduce legal immigration and cut America’s soaring population numbers.
This advertisement is part of NPG’s 50th Anniversary Public Awareness Campaign. NPG has committed to placing fifty ads in this commemorative year as we pursue our goal to educate more and more Americans regarding population size and growth.