
How Covid, Climate, The Cartels Reshape U.S. Refugee Policy

The coronavirus pandemic has had far reaching consequences for the global economy, obliterating millions of jobs. And it has affected developing countries  disproportionately, setting back decades of progress. So, it’s hardly surprising that agents at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021 have stopped people from more than 160 countries, a geography that roughly coincides with countries hard hit by the virus.

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The New York Times’ Readers Want to Re-Write the Paper’s Gloomy Narrative on Population Decline

The New York Times can make a claim to be the nation’s most influential newspaper. With over 5 million subscribers, it has wide influence not only on the decisions of policymakers, but in setting cultural trends and serving as a weathervane for its readership, which skews younger than other print media. 91% of Times readers are Democrats, vs. 7% who are Republican.1
Although the paper’s famous slogan is “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” there are some perspectives which…

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Don’t Call It a Crisis: The Natural Explanation Behind Collapsing Birth Rates

Americans are having far fewer children than in the past, as a recent report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows. The media has declared this a “crisis” that demands government attention. In reality, the plummeting birth rate is a natural and inevitable result of overpopulation and overcrowding. Science has already proven this. Therefore, the only correct action U.S. policymakers should take is no action whatsoever.

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Will Affluence Ruin the Environment?

If 2020 teaches us anything, it’s that the next crisis is likely right around the corner, and could be prevented, or at least contained, if we act swiftly. A pandemic that scientists long warned was likely to occur, occurred, and has already killed well over 240,000 people in the U.S. Dozens of large wildfires – the latest evidence of the climate emergency – are torching the American

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