Vice President Harris’ Error? NO. She was correct!
- July 20, 2023
- NPG Commentary
- 1 Comment
Freudian slip or a call to action? “Reduce Population” has never been so popular in the media.
When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.
From a speech by Vice President Kamala Harris on July 14, 2023
Those words sound like something from an NPG Forum paper – and we absolutely agree! Unfortunately, Harris misspoke, saying “population” when she meant to say “pollution.”
The gaffe received plenty of commentary and criticism, some going so far as to claim a conspiracy to reduce population size exists in the U.S. At NPG, we have never thought of ourselves or our goals as conspiring in any way. We strive to protect our nation and our planet from continued environmental destruction by, over the course of several generations, halting growth and allowing our population to slowly shrink to a smaller, truly sustainable size. This reduction could be achieved by promoting the concept of the two-child family (which many couples have chosen), an end to illegal immigration, and a reduction in legal immigration to no more than 200,000 per year.
Those who label the population reduction activists as conspirators need to rethink their arguments. Conspirators operate behind the scenes to keep their presence hidden from society. On the contrary, NPG is very open about our goals and our programs. We distribute our papers and press releases to a wide audience, we publicize our student programs, and we maintain a comprehensive website for everyone to view. Reducing population size and growth to preserve our nation and planet for future generations is an incredibly worthwhile pursuit. Few things could have such a lasting and meaningful impact on our world.
We encourage you to write to your elected officials, particularly if they are speaking out against Ms. Harris’ word choice. Remind them that communities large and small are overrun with more people. While the Vice President made an error, the final words of the particular passage in question are incredibly accurate: “…more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.” That would certainly be more realistic if we slow, halt, and eventually reverse population growth.
Tony McIntyre
Everything I read from NPG can easily apply over here in Australia. We have an even higher population growth rate than the USA driven mainly by immigration. It is currently running at over 1.7%. At that rate our population would double in about forty two years. Our politicians just have no idea. They fail to see that our infrastructure simply cannot keep pace. We now have obscene house prices and homelessness on the rise. Like in the USA two child families have become the norm. Unlike you guys we actually promote family planning and abortion is legal everywhere. Over twenty years ago our conservative government at the time tripled immigration to flood the labour market to drive down wages and to decrease the already weak union power. They encouraged people from areas of the world where large families were the norm. Fortunately the next generation will probably have smaller families.