
NPG Hails U.S. Justice Department Pushing Back Against Sanctuary Cities

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NPG Hails U.S. Justice Department Pushing Back Against Sanctuary Cities

Calls for Further Aggressive Action to Restore “Rule of Law” to America’s Deteriorating Immigration System 

Alexandria, VA:  Noting that his organization has been persistently calling for federal action against sanctuary cities for a number of years, NPG President Donald Mann praised the U.S. Department of Justice’s newly-announced lawsuits against the states of New Jersey and California, along with King County in Washington state.

Mann strongly condemned state, county and city leaders across the nation who embraced the sanctuary city concept for their jurisdictions where legal authorities refuse to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and thwart their actions in tracking down and deporting illegal aliens—including those who commit violent crimes.

Mann noted: “As elected officials who support sanctuary cities interfere with ICE’s duties, they put law enforcement officers in great jeopardy and are blatantly undermining the ‘rule of law’ that is so necessary to keep America safe.  By promoting increased noncompliance with federal law, they entice more immigrants to enter our country unlawfully.”

Mann added: “Letting such an insane policy exist in hundreds of jurisdictions throughout our nation—and potentially spread to more—will only lead to America’s population increasing to unsustainable levels.”

According to the Justice Department’s website:

“The lawsuit against the ‘Garden State’ challenges New Jersey Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive 2018-6, which prohibits state officials from sharing information with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) related to the immigration status and release dates of individuals in their custody.

 In California, the DOJ lawsuit challenges A.B. 32 as unlawful under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution because A.B. 32 substantially obstructs the federal government’s housing of federal prisoners and detainees, stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment of congressional objectives related to criminal law and immigration enforcement, directly regulates federal operations, and discriminates against the United States by granting exceptions for California that do not apply to the federal government or its contractors.

 And the U.S. is challenging King County Executive Order PFC-7-1-EO, which has the purpose and intended effect of prohibiting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) contractors from using King County International Airport, also known as Boeing Field, as a terminal for flights to remove individuals from the United States or transport immigration detainees within the country.”

 In a Position Paper released in August 2016, NPG summarized its position on sanctuary cities stating: “America’s embrace of sanctuary policies only serves to diminish our rule of law, environment, and threaten our future. We must insist on enforcement of existing laws – which includes the complete elimination of sanctuary policies, laws, executive orders, and regulations – and reduce the U.S. population to a much smaller, truly sustainable size. Changing our present immigration policies in this way is absolutely essential, if we are ever to preserve our natural resources and ensure an enjoyable – or even livable – quality of life for future generations.”

Mann concluded his compliments on the federal government taking such direct attacks on sanctuary policies by stating: “Let’s hope this is just the opening round of what will be an aggressive and expansive long-term assault by the federal government on all jurisdictions that undercut the enforcement of our nation’s laws. Our end goal must be to establish a fair, workable, common sense immigration system that will strengthen our nation, not destroy it.”

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