
The Push for Open Borders: The Quest to Destroy America’s Future

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The Push for Open Borders: The Quest to Destroy America’s Future
An NPG Forum Paper
by Christopher J. Daly
April 2020

Does America face a future where a system of ‘open borders’ becomes a reality?

That is certainly an ominous question.

And while the idea that the majority of U.S. citizens would ever permit an open borders policy – where all who wanted to come to our country and make it their home are able to do so – may seem a bit far-fetched at present, there are very powerful forces taking our nation in that direction.

Indeed, as the 21st century moves forward and America confronts myriad challenges to long-standing laws and traditions, a growing debate about open borders has taken root in our country and cannot be ignored.

With our nation already overpopulated, it is extremely worrisome that in recent years advocates of open borders are not only more vocal, they have enlisted rich and influential organizations that are working in concert to build a national grassroots campaign in their quest to make their dream a reality.

This paper seeks to shine the spotlight on some of the arguments open border advocates are using to sell their fellow citizens on the idea of abandoning efforts to fix America’s broken immigration system and replace it with no immigration policy at all.

The goal of this paper is not to use these few pages to present a ream of statistics related to the pro-and-con arguments about open borders. Rather, it is to provide an overall general insight into the who, what, and why of this multi-dimensional issue, identify the passion that drives open border advocates, and make clear that as the open border lobby gains ground the end result could be a total upheaval of America’s future.


A recent Harvard-Harris poll, taken in 2018, found that 76% of registered American voters do not believe the United States should have “open borders,” and 61% said current U.S. border security is “inadequate.”

In that June 24-25 online survey of 1,448 registered voters, Harvard-Harris asked: “Do you think we should have basically open borders or do you think we need secure borders?” Seventy-six percent of the respondents (1,093 people) said “we need secure borders.” Twenty-four percent of respondents (354 people) said “we should have basically open borders.”

Take a closer look at those results. Are we really at a point where one-quarter of the American people support open borders?

Do these individuals not understand that such a disastrous policy will open the door for tens of millions of people to come flooding into our country? Do they not comprehend that our already-overpopulated nation cannot sustain more population growth? If that is the case, then we may already be on a fast-track to erasing America’s sovereignty and destroying our economy – all due to a once-workable immigration system being consistently undermined, leading to eventual collapse.

The driving factors which have brought us to this harrowing point are many. However, they are chiefly driven by today’s divisive politics and a dominant class of elected leaders who have repeatedly failed to confront our fast-deteriorating immigration system that has put our country in such peril.

Truth be told, no one should be surprised to find our nation face-to-face with today’s growing support for open borders. It is an issue that has been festering for many years.

In 2006, former three-term Colorado Governor Richard Lamm (1975-1987) took to the pages of The Washington Examiner to reaffirm his concerns about America’s worsening immigration system. At a national conference on overpopulation and immigration held in Washington, D.C. a number of years earlier, he gave a speech titled “Perils of Multi Culturalism” in which he stated:

“I have a secret plan to destroy America. If you believe, as many do, that America is too smug, too white-bread, too self-satisfied, too rich … then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. History shows that nations are more fragile than their citizens think. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and they all fall, and that ‘an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.’ So, here is my plan:(…)  Continue reading the full Forum paper by clicking here.

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