
NPG Teachers’ Packets Going Out To U.S. Classrooms

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NPG Teachers’ Packets Going Out To U.S. Classrooms

Educational Efforts Reach Tens of Thousands of Students

As the federal government prepares to launch the 2020 U.S. Census in April, America’s teachers are enthusiastically requesting Negative Population Growth’s 2019 Teachers’ Packets to facilitate classroom discussions on U.S. population size and growth.

The free packet, which includes up-to-date student fact sheets (a copy for each student), a large, full-color NPG U.S. population poster, and select NPG Forum papers that highlight the dangers of our nation’s ever-increasing population, has proven to be a very welcome asset in American classrooms.

Commenting on the huge success of the project, now in its tenth year, Craig Lewis, NPG’s Executive Vice President, stated: “From the first time we reached out to teachers offering this valuable information on the critical need for Americans to work together to rein in population growth, this program has grown steadily.  We are now at a point where hundreds of teachers look to receive our updated teacher packets annually to boost their lesson plans.”

“By sharing the realities of the negative consequences of ‘too many people’ with today’s students, teachers are able to open pupils’ eyes as to how their generation will face new population-related challenges,” Lewis said.

He continued, “With young people already very alert to the climate change issue, as exemplified by 16-year old Greta Thunberg of Sweden, it’s vital they also learn how tens of millions of new people in the U.S. will lead to greater competition for limited water, food, housing and energy; how it will impact our country’s already fragile infrastructure; and how overpopulation will dangerously impact already threatened farms, forests, rivers and fragile wildlife habitats.”

Lewis added: “This program is especially important when you consider current U.S. Census projections indicating that we could grow from today’s 329 million to more than 400 million by 2060.”

“Every year we hear from teachers who praise our fact-filled packets and highlight the value of getting students involved in speaking out on this important issue now, so that they can help shape a livable future. Just as important, we are able to continually expand this program to recruit more and more teachers to participate thanks to increasing financial support from foundations who recognize its long-range value and thanks to generous NPG members who are dedicated to investing in a more livable future for their children and grandchildren,” he said.

 In commenting on the huge success of NPG’s 2019 Teacher Packet program, Lewis observed: “There is no question that with 2020 being a year when we take a new U.S. census, the population issue is going to explode in the nation’s headlines and classrooms.  We are already preparing to serve hundreds more teachers and educate countless more students about the perils of overpopulation.”

Teachers of students in grades 7 through 12 who are interested in receiving a 2019 NPG Teachers Packet can request one at

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