
NPG Launches Nationwide Campaign to Pass H.R. 140, The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2019

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NPG Launches Nationwide Campaign to Pass H.R. 140, The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2019

Cites Need to Fix Growing Abuse of Present “Anchor Baby” Policy

Negative Population Growth President Donald Mann has announced a new nationwide effort to get Congress to debate and pass legislation that will end the practice of granting automatic citizenship to all babies born on U.S. soil regardless of their parents’ citizenship status.

The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2019 (H.R. 140), if passed, would require that at least one parent of a newborn child already be an American citizen or legally permanent resident of the U.S. in order for that child to become a U.S. citizen.  Mann is putting the full backing of his 47-year old group behind this bill.

Citing the fact that recent estimates assert that present “anchor baby” policies add as many as 300,000 “citizens” to America’s population annually, Mann said: “Our aim in taking this action is to bring this misguided policy to a halt—and rein-in these huge numbers.”

Mann noted that it is time for Congress to respond to the will of the American people.  “For years now, Members of Congress have been promising the American people that they are going to address our country’s out-of-control immigration system and put it back on a responsible track, yet they have consistently failed to deliver on that pledge.  Passing H.R. 140 will hopefully get the ball rolling on other vital immigration reforms.”

NPG has launched this project with a call to action to its thousands of members to petition their individual Congressional Representatives and ask them to add their names to H.R. 140 as a formal co-sponsor.  That effort will be supplemented by a media campaign directed to the American public enlisting their support in also pressuring Congress to advance this legislation.

“A major force driving NPG’s actions in focusing on this issue is the fact that our nation’s current birthright policies are being grossly abused with countless thousands of pregnant women from foreign countries arriving on our shores and being cared for in a growing number of ‘maternity tourism hotels’ now operating in our country,” Mann declared.  He added, “Their end goal is to give birth to a U.S. citizen, who, after a number of years, will be able to bring in his or her extended family via America’s generous chain migration policy.”   Mann proclaimed, “By passing H.R. 140, Congress can put an instant end to the rapidly growing birth tourism industry.  Failure to do so now will only let it spin further out of control—and with it remaining in place our population numbers will continue to soar.”  

Recognizing the fact that immigration is a contentious issue in today’s highly volatile political climate, Mann declared: “We know this is going to be an uphill fight. We are well aware that any Congressional action related to birthright citizenship will end up in the courts.  Yet, it is crucial that we address this issue and start the process for getting it resolved now.  Leaving current “anchor baby” policies in place only sows the seeds for greater immigration problems in the future.”


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