
Deputy Director’s Corner

Deputy Director’s Corner
NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at

By the end of the federal government’s fiscal year (September 30, 2016), the White House and Congress will have committed America to admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees for resettlement within our borders. By May 31st, we had already accepted 2,773 of that quota – leaving another 7,227 refugees to arrive over just 4 months.

That’s an average of 1,806 per month…

418 per week… 59 per day…

and more than 2 per hour.

These admissions rates don’t sound so bad, right?  Except when you take into account that America is already admitting over 1 million legal immigrants every year…  and we are accommodating a rising number of illegal aliens, as well.  In fact, recent studies show that immigration rates have risen by 39% in the past two years.  That comes out to more than 1.5 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) per year…

…which adds up to roughly 1 new arrival every 20 seconds.

Despite the obvious humanitarian concern we all share for refugees, as a nation we have a responsibility to consider the overall impact of the population growth by such mass immigration levels.  I am reminded of NPG’s most recent Forum paper – The Impact of Refugees on the Size and Security of the U.S. Population

When it comes to America’s refugee programs, things are not always what they seem!  In the new Forum, author Ed Rubenstein analyzes immigration policy trends which have changed this once short-term humanitarian program into a private industry focused entirely on the quantity of refugees admitted – rather than on the quality of life they, and existing American citizens, will experience as a result. (To read more, visit NPG’s online library of Forum papers.)

Rubenstein finds: ” the lines are often blurred between humanitarian aid and financial gain when it comes to refugees – financial gain that only serves the charitable groups who lobby for more and more refugee admissions.”

Thankfully, it seems the world was interested in Rubenstein’s analysis.  NPG’s national Press Release announcing this latest Forum paper was picked up by media outlets around the country – including Fox NewsThanks to your support, NPG is reaching more Americans than ever before with our critical message!  And we’re not stopping there – we also distributed this fact-filled publication to the full U.S. Congress.  We want to make sure that our nation’s decision makers have the real data available when they consider such dangerous population-increasing policies!

We thank all of our supporters like you.  Remember – NPG receives absolutely no government funding of any kind.  We rely entirely on you – your loyal dedication and generous financial support – to continue our critical mission.  Your contributions go directly towards our vital educational and outreach programs, getting our valuable materials into the hands of America’s students, teachers, elected officials, journalists, and the public.  We appreciate your activism, and your continued support of NPG.

Thank you again for all you do!

