
Reforming Birthright Citizenship Survey

Take NPG’s new survey TODAY!

If we are going to win the battle against ever-increasing illegal immigration, we have to act NOW to throw the full clout of NPG behind efforts in Congress to finally pass the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2015.

A true immigration reform ally, U.S. Senator David Vitter has long decried the abuse of birthright citizenship by a dishonest and fast-growing “birth tourism” trade.

He has noted the growing flood of pregnant foreign women arriving in the U.S. via tourist visas a few weeks prior to their delivery date so their new child can gain automatic U.S. citizenship. The granting of this status establishes a legal stepping stone for future immigration of the entire family – thus adding countless millions more to our population in the years to come.

We feel this must be stopped – but we need to know if YOU agree!

Click here to take NPG’s new survey TODAY!

Senator Vitter’s actions were a big boost for NPG – and we believe we have to take advantage of it. You see, when the issue of “anchor baby” citizenship came to light a number of years ago, NPG was one of the first national organizations out of the gate highlighting the critical need to reform present policies.

That’s because the births of nearly 300,000 anchor babies each year are a huge factor in our soaring population numbers. Today, we need your input to determine if we should continue our efforts to move these bills through Congress.

That is why I am calling on you to complete our Birthright Citizenship Survey – and to return a generous contribution of $20, $30, or even $50 TODAY!

What do we need your input on?

  • Should we keep the pressure on Congress to hold hearings on S. 45 and H.R. 140 and vote on severely restricting automatic birthright citizenship?
  • Should we run this signers advertisement in newspapers nationwide to educate more Americans about how unrestricted automatic citizenship is spinning out of control – increasing our population by nearly 300,000 annually and feeding the growth of birth tourism?
  • Should we aim to build our momentum and get other Americans to join in the effort to reform automatic birthright citizenship?

Passing the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2015 would mean that citizenship would only be granted to a child born in the United States when at least one parent is a citizen, has a green card, or has served in the military.

The opportunity to build on this momentum is very much there. A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 54% of Americans are in favor of changing present anchor baby policies.

NPG feels that nothing good can come of keeping present anchor baby policies in place. It will only lead to more abuses, more immigration, and increased population problems. BUT WE NEED TO KNOW IF YOU AGREE!

So please, act today to complete our Birthright Citizenship Survey.

We’ve set a goal to raise $35,600 to continue our efforts on this critical issue throughout 2016. If you stand beside us in this critical campaign, I also urge you to give NPG a generous contribution of $20, $30, or even $50 today .

Time is short. There are only a few months left in the 114th Congress and it is crucial that we win this battle as soon as possible. Please let us hear from you soon.
