Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions About Our Overcrowded Country
- Lindsey Grant
- April 7, 1992
- Books by Lindsey Grant

In the last century, the United States has grown from 75 million people to 250 million. Have we gone too far? How can an optimum population be identified and achieved, and how can we confront the problems now facing our overcrowded country?
Negative Population Growth put these questions to specialists on the environment, food and energysupplies, urban issues, national defense, labor and other areas directly affected by U.S. demographics. The result is Elephants in the Volkswagen — a unique, multifaceted examination of one of the most pervasive and controversial issues facing our nation’s policymakers.
Courageously attacking the hard questions about population, these essays cast new light on some of the central problems of human survival. The readers may be surprised to learn that we really can do something about population.
Dr.Garrett Hardin co-author of Managing the Commons and author of Population, Evolution and Birth Control
Lindsey Grant is a retired Foreign Service Officer; he was a China specialist and served as Director of the Office of Asian Communist Affairs, National Security Council staff member, and Department of State policy Planning staff member. As Deputy Secretary of State for Environmental and Population Affairs, he was Department of State coordinator for the Global 2000 Report to the President, Chairman of the interagency committee on Int’l Environmental Committee and US member of the UN ECE Committee of Experts on the Environment. His books include: Too Many People, Juggernaut, The Horseman and the Bureaucrat, Elephants in Volkswagen, How Many Americans?