Migrant Labor and US Agriculture
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version. The Second in a three-part series.An NPG Forum Paperby Dr. Philip MartinApril 2024 The US Department of Labor has a National Agricultural Worker Survey (NAWS) that interviews 1,500 to 3,000 workers employed on US crop farms each year and is the best-known source of farm worker data.1 The NAWS finds that 70 …
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The High Cost of Cheap Immigration Detentions
Illegal immigration has increased dramatically since February 2021, bringing the current estimate of illegal immigrants in the US to an estimated 14-15 million.
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Strictly Accountable: A Call for the Tough Love of Real Solutions
Dr. Shragg challenges the many environmentalists who are so “woke” that they fail to see the forest for the trees, as the old adage goes.
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Immigration Will Drive U.S. Population Growth Throughout the 21st Century
The U.S. population is expected to reach a high of nearly 370 million in 2080 before edging down to 366 million in 2100, according to a Census report released in November. By 2100 the total resident population is expected to increase 9.7% from 2022, according to the middle (most likely) population scenario.
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Spoiler Alert: ‘Smart Growth’ Won’t Save the Day
It may seem hard to believe as this first quarter of the 21st Century draws closer to its end, but once upon a time in Southern California open space was abundant and not just in its wild land of mountains, foothills and expansive deserts.
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Immigration Reduction: Xenophobia and Racism? Or, Common Sense and Pragmatism in a Crowded Nation?
Just ask media and other open-border advocates – although that says a lot about the bias (or agenda) of today’s media – according to them, we have always been a nation that welcomed all immigrants. When that was not the case, from their view, the only possible reasons were racism, sexism, xenophobia and, most particularly, the smug superiority of wealthy white males forging exclusionary policies.
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Numbers, Noise, and Nonsense: We Must Stop Forcing Wildlife Off the Planet
We are forcing wildlife off our planet in three basic ways: with our growing numbers, with our noise, and with our nonsense, defined as a refusal to create policies which follow the logic and the need to scale down the human enterprise.
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The Point of No Return
The southern border has been dissolved as a functional barrier and millions of migrants from all corners of the globe are pouring into the United States
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Adversity for Biodiversity: A Reflection on My Experience at COP15
Click here for a downloadable, printable PDF version. Adversity for Biodiversity: A Reflection on My Experience at COP15 An NPG Forum Paper by Rob Harding April 2023 Abstract: The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework1 adopted in December 2022 by representatives of most of the world’s national governments is inadequate to halt and reverse the disturbing loss of biodiversity globally. Concerted efforts …
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Modern Megadrought: Population, Denial, and Crisis in the American Southwest
After a prolonged wet spell, the “modern megadrought” hit the Southwest in 2000 and 2001, a lingering, uncompromising, monstrous thing, like no drought in centuries.
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