
NPG President: Population Pressures Demand That U.S. Renounce Cherished Goal of Economic Growth

Alexandria, VA – There is a limit to how fast and how far the American economy can grow – and we’re approaching it soon. That’s the message Negative Population Growth’s president, Donald Mann, has posted on the organization’s website, Mann, who has headed up NPG since its founding in 1972, is advocating that the U.S. start moving toward a …

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NPG Finds New California Laws Are Expanding the Welcome Mat for Illegal Immigration

Alexandria, VA – An analysis by Negative Population Growth (NPG) of California’s new immigration laws finds that they will increase population growth, both nationally and in California.  Enacted in October, the laws further shield illegal aliens from federal enforcement and grant them added incentives to remain – and for others to come. NPG President Don Mann noted that the analysis …

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NPG Recommends the New Autobiography of Lester Brown.

NPG is pleased to recommend Breaking New Ground:  A Personal History, the autobiography of global environmental activist Lester Brown.  Praised by the Washington Post as “one of the world’s most influential thinkers,” he is the winner of multiple honorary awards and has published several works on the global environmental movement.  Brown’s efforts – including his founding of both the Worldwatch …

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Jayme Pruett – Hunter $1,000 Winner of the 2013 NPG Essay Scholarship Contest

Talking about Population Growth:  The First Step to Sustainability

In the year 2011 the world population exceeded 7 billion, with over 315,000,000 people in the United States alone. These numbers should be alarming, yet overpopulation is still treated like a taboo subject. We need to address the 7 billion “elephants in the room” in order to ensure quality of life for my and future generations. In the United States …

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