- Robert W. Fox
- September 1, 1992
- Forum Papers
- Forum Paper
The scale of destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in south Florida is shocking.
Continue ReadingThe scale of destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in south Florida is shocking.
Continue ReadingWe need a smaller U.S. population in order to halt the destruction of our environment and to make possible the creation of an economy that will be sustainable indefinitely.
Continue ReadingClick here for a downloadable, printable PDF version Life Expectancy Drives U.S. and World Population Growth An NPG Forum Paper by Nathan Keyfitz June 1992 When population issues arise in government or the press, economists’ advice is regularly sought, even though modern post-Keynesian economics offers very little methodological help in dealing with secular change or limits. Biology is perhaps the …
Continue ReadingIn this paper, I attempt to measure the displacement of American labor by illegal aliens.
Continue ReadingThe riots in Los Angeles have generated a new wave of self-examination in the White establishment.
Continue ReadingThere is a new orthodoxy that immigrants, legal and illegal, create jobs and improve wages. In this paper, I will challenge that orthodoxy.
Continue ReadingFor most of its history, the United States considered itself a haven for refugees but did not do much about it.
Continue ReadingThe President has embarked upon a project to create a hemispheric free trade area, with Canada already aboard and negotiations with Mexico next on the agenda.
Continue ReadingPopulation was the first issue to be mentioned in the “Declaration of National Environmental Policy” (Title I of NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.)
Continue ReadingThis essay may start out as a sort of black fable, but the purpose is serious.
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