
NPG Head Calls on Senate to Improve House’s Legislation Curbing Sanctuary Cities

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NPG Head Calls on Senate to Improve House’s Legislation Curbing Sanctuary Cities

Warns that Non-cooperation in Immigration Enforcement of Some States and Cities Speeds Population Growth.

Don Mann, President of Negative Population Growth, warns that illegal immigration to the U.S., after a lull in the recession of the last decade, is growing strongly again, contributing materially to U.S. population growth.  He called for prompt Senate action on HR 3003, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, passed by the house.

Mann is particularly concerned by recent studies of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) showing that overstays of persons here on temporary visas may now be more than 600,000 yearly.  That number exceeds those who cross the border surreptitiously and further jeopardizes U.S. internal security and effective law enforcement.  Mann warned those hoping for early U.S. population stability that unrestrained illegal immigration may well add six to eight million persons to the nation each decade, while stimulating increased births in subsequent years.

The existence of sanctuaries is also an incentive to those now here illegally to remain and others now abroad to join them.  These rising numbers heighten the need for all state and city law enforcers to cooperate fully with Federal agents in combating illegal immigration, Mann explained.  

NPG’s President also considered that growing enclaves of immune illegal aliens has other serious social consequences.   More Americans in sanctuary states and cities will fall victim to the rising numbers of sheltered foreign career criminals.  And sanctuary cities, with their growing illegal work forces, are gaining unfair competitive advantages in labor costs over the sizable majority of U.S. jurisdictions that are cooperating in Federal removals.

Mann called HR 3003 a “reasonable and balanced remedy.”  He noted the act would reinforce local and state governments’ obligation, established in a 1996 law but widely ignored, to share information on their detained aliens with DHS.  Local law enforcers would be required to comply with DHS “detainers” (warrants) for illegal aliens in their custody, holding them for up to 96 hours for transfer to DHS custody.  The bill expands and clarifies the definition of “probable cause” for DHS actions.

Another deterrent, noted Mann, is that sanctuary jurisdictions would now be exposed to lawsuits by victims of crimes by illegal aliens who are at large because of those jurisdictions’ non-compliance with DHS requests.  Noting that the act specifically frees local police of any obligation to inform DHS of the immigration status of crime victims and witnesses, Mann said this exemption rebuts the argument of sanctuary jurisdictions that their immigrant communities are uncooperative if their immigration status is required in investigations.  

Mann stated:  “Senate passage of HR 3003 would send an important message to the majority of American citizens who consistently tell national pollsters that they consider today’s immigration crisis a critical issue.  It is vital that we start taking positive steps to halt illegal immigration and limit legal immigration, both of which are driving America’s population growth.”


