
New NPG Forum Paper Maps the Removal of Population Issue from Environmental Movement

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New NPG Forum Paper Maps the Removal of Population Issue from Environmental Movement

Report follows the Earth Day and U.S. conservation movement’s abandonment of overpopulation and immigration as major environmental threats.

Alexandria, VA – In commemoration of Earth Day 2017 and the associated March for Science planned on the National Mall in Washington, DC on April 22nd – Negative Population Growth (NPG) will release a new Forum paper today.  As hundreds of thousands of Americans prepare to protest the censoring of evidence-based climate data by U.S. government agencies, the timely NPG report chronicles a similar politicization of the overall environmental movement.  Unfortunately for those who recognize U.S. population growth as a serious environmental concern, the paper laments:  “Over time, the dominant Earth Day message has morphed.  …Part and parcel of this evolution is that more challenging and controversial topics, such as overpopulation, have been marginalized or jettisoned altogether.” 

In the new NPG paper, titled Earth Day and Population:  A Missed Opportunity, author Leon Kolankiewicz draws on three decades of professional experience as an all-around ecologist to highlight the Environmental Establishment’s ironic abandonment of overpopulation.  He notes:  “In the case of the population issue, this is all the more surprising and disheartening because population was a core theme in the very first Earth Day.”  With solid historical details illustrating the “rise and fall” of the popular Green movement, Kolankiewicz’s essay rejects the prevalent delusion of contemporary Earth Day organizers that all is well.  He explains:  “…Earth Day has become institutionalized, bland and banal…  There is too much ‘greenwashing’ – the spin and PR that deceptively promote the Big Lie that every enterprise and every product is now environmentally-friendly and sustainable.” 

Kolankiewicz echoes NPG’s concerns that our growing human numbers are creating a domino effect on Earth’s fragile environment.  Charts, tables, and graphics filled with science-based data are found throughout the new Forum paper, highlighting the long-standing reality of U.S. overpopulation.  Yet, as Kolankiewicz illustrates, the modern environmental movement still continues to either entirely ignore, or in some cases has even attempted to discredit, the legitimate environmental study of U.S. population growth.  He explains:  “The contemporary Earth Day mantra is a comfortable one:  we can have our cake (Earth) and eat it, too.  We can have it all.”  Beyond just population growth, his analysis considers the deepening political and financial consequences of the chosen causes of the mainstream conservation front. 

Commenting on his new paper, Kolankiewicz notes:   “On Earth Day 2017, many environmentalists are rallying to protest against the Trump administration and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s anticipated assault on the environment.  Yet long before these new leaders were in office, the Environmental Establishment itself has ignored the biggest environmental threat of all:  overpopulation.  And they can’t blame that on the President, or on any government official.”  A frequent contributing author, Kolankiewicz advocates NPG’s call for the prompt reduction of population to an ecologically-sustainable size through voluntary incentives. 

NPG President Donald Mann praised the work, adding:  “This new Forum paper echoes NPG’s long-held belief that Americans must recognize the environmental crisis of U.S. population growth.  In masterful detail, Kolankiewicz explains that the nearly 325 million people living in the U.S. have an irreversible impact on our ecosystem.  And our nation’s population is growing every day – presently by an average of one person every 16 seconds – therefore the Earth Day movement urgently needs to reaffirm overpopulation as a key component of environmental protection.” 

Mann continued:  “Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans – including the Environmental Establishment, our elected officials, and the general public – still have not recognized the root cause of many of the environmental problems we face.  At 325 million people, the United States is already unsustainably overpopulated – and the Census Bureau projects that we will continue to grow, reaching 400 million by mid-century.”  He added:  “NPG hopes that the fact-based reality of U.S. overpopulation – artfully relayed within Kolankiewicz’s perceptive work – will once again become a core environmental cause on Earth Day, and will be recognized at the upcoming March for Science in Washington, DC.  Perhaps then we can foster long-overdue public support for national policies which work to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth – until we reach a much smaller, truly sustainable level.” 


