
NPG Denounces President’s Determination to Dictate New Immigration Policy

NPG Denounces President’s Determination to Dictate New Immigration Policy

Sees looming executive action in November as threat to stimulate U.S. population growth.

Alexandria, VA (September 16, 2014) – Reacting to President Obama’s September 6th announcement to delay further executive action on immigration reform until after the November elections, Negative Population Growth (NPG) President Don Mann has restated the organization’s unconditional opposition to any action without Congressional approval which expands immigration.

Citing the long-term impact of immigration on our nation’s size and growth, Mann warned that major changes to America’s immigration policies contemplated by the President would open the way to permanent U.S. residence for millions more – a critical decision which should be subject to national debate and the approval of Congress, which historically has had plenary powers over immigration.

“NPG believes President Obama’s proposed unilateral changes would introduce even more laxity and nonfeasance in an already broken system of immigration enforcement,” Mann said.  He noted:  “We feel this atmosphere of accommodation would create more havoc, enticing millions to illegally enter our country and access expensive public services and labor market opportunities, which are the sole right of lawful U.S. citizens and legal residents.  The resulting increase of population would greatly exacerbate the economic, social, and environmental challenges our nation already faces and are a direct threat to our future quality of life.”

Mann highlighted that, even while announcing his intent to delay, President Obama assured the pro-growth lobby that he would indeed take executive action soon.  Obama stated:  “I want to spend some time… to make sure that the public understands why we’re doing this, why it’s the right thing for the American people, why it’s the right thing for the American economy.”  “I don’t believe that his position or his means of imposing it could be more wrong,” Mann stated.

“Poll after poll shows that the majority of Americans want their legislative representatives to address and resolve our immigration issues – not for the White House to go it alone.  The American people understand that any precipitous immigration expansion driven by narrow interest group pressures is misguided and reckless.  Such critical decisions must be considered in the context of a national population policy that weighs the effects of greater numbers on current environmental deterioration and resource depletion.  Hasty, unconstitutional enactment of destructive immigration increases – which could swell the flow of newcomers over decades – sets a ticking time-bomb.  Our failure would undermine all other efforts to leave our children and grandchildren a strong, prosperous nation.”

Mann concluded:  “Without question, immigration is an urgent issue.  However, it does not have to be addressed with impulsive actions that do more harm than good.  As a nation, it is not too late for us to return to a functioning immigration system where our borders are secure, the laws are enforced, and the will of the American people on this issue is respected – not ignored.  We must severely limit immigration, which is causing our population to grow at an alarming rate, and we must work toward a negative rate of growth until America attains a smaller population that would be sustainable for the long term.
