
NPG Releases New Photo Scholarship Calendar

NPG Releases New Photo Scholarship Calendar

Featuring winning images from NPG’s annual Scholarship Contest, the calendar depicts environmental treasures threatened by U.S. population growth.

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This press release was picked up by 254 news outlets across the country, including:  International Business Times, The Boston Globe, The MiamiHerald, The Sacramento Bee and local affiliates from coast to coast for all major television networks.  Together, NPG’s message was distributed to a prospective audience of nearly 134 million Americans.

Alexandria, VA (October 30, 2014) – In keeping with its 10 Principles for a Responsible U.S. Population Policy, Negative Population Growth (NPG) continues to engage America’s young people in the fight for their future.  High school seniors and undergraduate students nationwide were invited to participate in NPG’s 2014 Photography Scholarship Contest.  Out of thousands of entries, seventeen finalists received a scholarship towards their fall semester tuition fees.  The winning images and descriptions were compiled to form the 2014-2015 NPG Photography Scholarship Calendar, which was released to the public on October 21st.

In this year’s Photography Contest, students were asked to submit their original photo and a short description of an environmental treasure which is threatened by population growth.  NPG President Donald Mann stated:  “Thousands of students from across America answered our call for submissions.  The 17 photographs depicted in this calendar represent the very best of what NPG received – a beautiful display of the raw talent found within America’s next generation of leaders.  These students captured the true beauty of our nation, with descriptions that echo the critical need to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth.”

Mann continued:  “Of the 10 principles that NPG sees as indispensable for a responsible national population policy, one of the most vital is engaging America’s students.  It is their future which is at stake – and they must play a pivotal role in planning our nation’s policies.  The federal government must do more to educate today’s young people regarding the damaging effects of population growth on our environment, natural resources, and quality of life.”

“By purchasing and displaying an NPG calendar, anyone who is concerned about our nation’s population growth is helping us work towards a solution,” Mann added.  “Proceeds will be used to help fund ongoing NPG programs – including our Youth Outreach and Annual Scholarship programs – which are designed to enlist a new generation of activists.”
