
Deputy Director's Corner

Deputy Director’s Corner
NPG Deputy Director Tracy Canada can be reached by email at

On September 28th, the Pew Research Center released a new report titled:  “Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S., Driving Population Growth and Change Through 2065.”  The Pew report notes:  “Fifty years after passage of the landmark law that rewrote U.S. immigration policy, nearly 59 million immigrants have arrived in the United States, pushing the country’s foreign-born share to a near record 14%.” 

In March of this year, NPG released our Forum paper Remembering the Immigration Act of 1965:  the 50th Anniversary of a Population Game-Changer.  Originally written in 2005 by immigration historian Otis graham, the Forum paper studies the origins and unforeseen effects of the 1965 Act.  In this year’s new revision, NPG Special Advisor David Simcox adds a detailed introduction to Graham’s masterful work underscoring the failure of the Act’s authors to consider U.S. population trends.  The expanded 2015 paper highlights the dangerous impacts of irresponsible and expansionist immigration policies on U.S. population growth.

2015_10-06 Pew Imm Proj 2 (2065)

It seems that the Pew report confirms NPG’s conclusion when it states:  “These immigrants and their descendants have accounted for just over half the nation’s population growth.”

More alarmingly, the Pew study projects that this trend of immigration-driven population growth will only worsen over the next 50 years.  “Looking ahead, new Pew Research Center U.S. population projections show that if current demographic trends continue, future immigrants and their descendants will be an even bigger source of population growth.”

“Between 2015 and 2065, they are projected to account for 88 percent of the U.S. population increase, or 103 million people, as the nation grows to 441 million.” 

With study after study revealing similar projections – which echo NPG’s warnings against today’s mass immigration levels – it is more important than ever that we continue our critical educational programs!  And NPG has been hard at work – as I’m sure you’ve seen through our weekly emails and the projects that we have completed in recent months.   

Within the next few weeks, you should receive copies of our newest Population Perspectives newsletter, and two new Forum papers – Geonomics 101 by Chris Clugston and Dying of Thirst:  Population Growth, Climate Change Aggravate Water Shortages by Leon Kolankiewicz.  Later this month, we plan to release an additional Forum paper on family migration statistics by Jessica Vaughan, Director of Policy Studies at the Center for Immigration Studies.  We are also working on another Forum paper analyzing the impacts of immigration on U.S. population growth by economist Ed Rubenstein… with several other papers in the works for the months ahead. 

Our NPG national Press Releases have been very successful this year – they have been picked up by hundreds of media outlets across the country, reaching a combined subscribed audience of over 800 million people!  I have been in contact with several members of the Press, answering their questions and providing materials for news stories related to U.S. population growth.  And our national advertising has been distributed in multiple publications, reaching Americans from coast to coast with our critical message.  (Be on the lookout for a new series of NPG ads featuring the original wo
rks of editorial cartoonist Steve Artley – an award-winning artist whose work has been placed in publications like Newsweek and The Washington Post!)

We’re gearing up for a strong finish to 2015 – with another round of NPG Teacher’s Packets beginning this month, and new national petitions calling for the end of America’s Chain Migration and Sanctuary City policies.  We’re also talking with several new organizations who share our goals – expanding our network of allies across the nation, and even the world! 

All of our progress – and all of our success – has been dependent upon the support of members like you.  We appreciate your loyal dedication to NPG.  Your contributions go directly towards our vital educational and outreach programs, getting our valuable materials into the hands of America’s students, teachers, elected officials, journalists, and the public.  Please feel free to contact me at any time with your questions and comments.  I look forward to hearing from you – and to working beside you in the years to come.

Thank you again for all you do! 

