
National polls show support for NPG’s position


National Polls Find Support for NPG Positions and Goals

Every national organization that works to advance a responsible agenda must constantly ask itself:  Are the people with us?

For NPG, with its goal to slow, halt and eventually reverse U.S. population growth, a recent national poll found that the answer was a strong “YES.”

Under a recent news heading that highlighted the fact that America’s birth rate in 2017 was the lowest in 30 years “potentially leading to a generation unable to replace itself in population”, the American people are “still more concerned about a population that grows too quickly than one slowing down.”  

The article went on to report: “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% think a population that is growing too fast is a bigger problem for the United States than one that is growing too slowly. Just 22% think a slow-growing population is a bigger problem, but 27% are not sure.”

The national survey of 1,000 American Adults was conducted on June 3-4, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

In addition, as NPG uses the clout of its thousands of members to protect America’s environment and ensure that the government advances responsible – rather than destructive – environmental policies, the newly released Winning the West poll shows that our goals are especially popular in America’s western states.

The Winning the West 2018 poll was sponsored by the Center for Western Priorities (CWP), a group highly critical of aggressive policies advanced by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

CWP gauged opinions on key questions from residents of Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada and New Mexico.  “The poll found recent Trump administration proposals on public lands are unpopular in every state surveyed. 74 percent of voters — including a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents — oppose reducing the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. 70 percent oppose opening public lands close to national parks and monuments for oil and gas drilling. 67 percent oppose increasing public land available for oil and gas development by reducing conservation efforts on behalf of potentially endangered wildlife, like the sage-grouse. 64 percent oppose rolling back environmental regulations on oil and gas development.”

“When it comes to energy development, 84 percent of voters…favor investments in the development of renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and geothermal. 55 percent oppose increasing oil and gas development on public lands. Where energy development does occur on public lands, voters want to see common sense safety protections. On public lands, strong majorities support requiring mining companies to pay taxpayers a royalty for extracting minerals (76 percent), increasing the royalties that companies pay to taxpayers for extracting oil, gas and coal (70 percent), and requiring oil and gas companies to detect and repair natural gas leaks in drilling equipment (89 percent).”

“The Winning the West poll was conducted by Gottlieb Strategic Research.  It included 2,500 online interviews of likely 2018 voters in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and New Mexico in June.  The margin of error is +/- 2 percent for all voters and +/- 4.4 percent per state.”

Polls such as those cited above help reaffirm to all of us working with NPG for lower population levels and responsible environmental problems that we are on the right track.  They also help us get our message across regarding the critical need to reverse current immigration and population policies that have our nation racing toward a crisis of too many people in the decades ahead.  With the continued personal and financial support of our members and supporters we will continue to work to find solutions in this critical area before today’s dangerous and wrongheaded policies destroy the quality of life for future generations.

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