
New Information Hub Seeks to Provide Up-To-Date Science-Backed Information on Climate Change

October 1, 2020

There is a new space on social media to learn about climate change. On September 15th, Facebook launched a Climate Science Information Center that is currently accessible to Facebook users in the U.S., U.K., France, and Germany. The space functions as an alternative news feed where users are able to scroll through climate change facts, statistics, and news articles.

Greenmatters summarized the information available on the platform, saying: “Facebook’s Climate Science Information Center boasts facts about the ways our climate has changed and will continue to change, tips on how you can lower your environmental impact, a list of recognized climate organizations you can follow on Facebook, articles and videos from various news outlets, and more.”

Facebook modeled the Climate Science Information Center “after its COVID-19 Information Center, which more than 2 billion people have reportedly used during the pandemic.” Using the same layout, Facebook has pooled fact-based research into one easy to access portal centrally located in the Facebook app, and also utilized over 70 independent fact-checking groups from around the world to weed out any misinformation.

The company was quoted by USA TODAY, stating: “Climate change is real. The science is unambiguous and the need to act grows more urgent by the day.” Speaking to the purpose of the information center, Facebook chief product officer Chris Cox, said: “Our goal is to help people get authoritative information about climate change, and we are taking it seriously. This is one step, and there will be many more.”

NPG encourages all members to seek information from multiple credible sources when looking to learn more about major subjects, such as population growth, the environment, immigration, and new legislation. While Facebook has come under fire, at times, for the role it plays in sharing information on their social media platform – NPG recognizes their efforts to create and sustain the Climate Science Information Center and also their efforts to ensure the fact-based material is available to Facebook users around the world.  We must work together to slow, halt, and eventually reverse population growth if we want to conserve our natural resources and our best efforts to move forward are only improved with fact-based information at hand.

To learn more about the media and its war on population growth, please see the newest addition to the NPG Forum Series, which will be released in the coming days:

Why Population REALLY Disappeared from the News and Became Politically Incorrect!, by Kathleene Parker

