
Beijing Takes the Lead on Population Policy


Beijing announces new policy to limit population…


According to a recent article in Focus News, “China’s national capital Beijing has announced plans to build a new administrative center adjacent to the city to address growing… woes.”

 An announcement from the Communist Party of China explained a new guideline for the city’s future growth, which mandated an official population policy. 

 According to the article, the Chinese megalopolis – home to over 21.5 million people, which is nearly three times the size of New York City…

“…must stick to its population control target of 23 million people.”

Due to its enormous size and continued growth, Beijing has “sought to address its severe urban diseases,’ such as traffic congestion and air pollution…

…by curbing its population growth.”

Is there a lesson to be learned for the U.S. as well?

To preserve America’s environment, economy, natural resources – our overall quality of life, NPG has long advocated the adoption of a national population policy.  Since 1972, we have served as the nation’s premier nonprofit organization working to slow, halt, and eventually reverse U.S. population growth.

 Our cornerstone Proposed National Population Policy, our recent compilation of The President’s Column articles, and our Position Paper Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population and How We Can Achieve It  all demonstrate NPG’s commitment to adopting a national policy that reduces U.S. population size and growth.

For over 43 years, we have not

simply identified the problems –

we propose real solutions!

As a dedicated NPG ally, can I count on you to back your support with a generous financial contribution to NPG?  Remember – we receive absolutely no government funding.  To succeed in our critical mission, we rely entirely on the generous contributions of members like you!

Your gift of $20, $30, or even $50 will help our

work for an official U.S. population policy!
