
Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population and How We Can Achieve It (An NPG Position Paper)

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An NPG Forum Paper
(NPG Position Paper) 
by Donald Mann
July 1992

We need a smaller U.S. population in order to halt the destruction of our environment and to make possible the creation of an economy that will be sustainable indefinitely.

All efforts to save our environment will ultimately prove futile unless we not only halt, but eventually reverse, our population growth so that our population — after an interim period of decrease — can be stabilized at a sustainable level, far below what it is today.

We are trying to address our steadily worsening environmental problems with purely technological solutions, while refusing to come to grips with their root cause –overpopulation. Population size — not just population growth — is important because it multiplies and intensifies our overwhelming environmental problems. Sheer numbers of people can prevent the achievement of such vital national goals as a healthy environment and a sustainable economy.

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